消费REST服务与WCF - 可选查询字符串参数?可选、字符串、参数、REST

由网友(只想与你走′)分享简介:我有问题想消费使用WCF一个简单的服务。一切都进展顺利,到目前为止来实现可选的查询字符串参数时除外。该界面看起来有点像这样:I am having problems trying to consume a simple service using WCF. Everything has gone well so fa...


I am having problems trying to consume a simple service using WCF. Everything has gone well so far except when coming to implement optional query string parameters. The interface looks a bit like this:

public interface IApi
    [WebGet(UriTemplate = "/url/{param}?top={top}&first={first}")]
    object GetStuff(string param, int top, DateTime first);

那么这是通过创建一个类继承 ClientBase&LT消耗; IAPI> 。我尝试了一些办法,使得参数可选的:

Then this is consumed by creating a class that inherits ClientBase<IApi>. I tried a few ways to make the parameters optional:


这没有奏效。我从 QueryStringConverter 像另一个问题已经问了一个消息:Can WCF服务合同有一个为空的输入参数?

This did not work. I get a message from the QueryStringConverter like another question has asked: Can a WCF service contract have a nullable input parameter?


于是,我想到了改变UriTemplate更加通用,建立查询字符串,并通过将它作为一个参数。这似乎并没有擦出火花,在传递的值变EN codeD,使其不被识别为一个查询字符串的服务器。

So, I thought about changing the UriTemplate to be more generic, building the query string and passing it through as a parameter. This didn't seem to work either, as the value passed in gets encoded such that it is not recognised as a querystring by the server.


[WebGet(UriTemplate = "/url/{query}")]



The only way I found so far of getting this to work is to change all the parameters to strings, and NULL's seem to be allowed here.


[WebGet(UriTemplate = "/url/{param}?top={top}&first={first}")]
object GetStuff(string param, string top, string first);

该接口的消费仍然接受正确的变量类型,但的ToString 被使用。帖查询字符串参数仍出现在实际的请求。

The consumption of this interface still accepts the correct variable type, but ToString is used. Thes query string parameters still appear in the actual request.


So, is there a way when consuming a REST service using WCF, to make the query string parameters optional?

更新 - 如何它是固定

要创建服务行为的建议被采取。这继承了 WebHttpBehaviour 。它看起来如下:

The advice to create a service behaviour was taken. This inherits from WebHttpBehaviour. It looks as follows:

public class Api : ClientBase<IApi>
    public Api() : base("Binding")
        Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new NullableWebHttpBehavior());

NullableWebHttpBehavior 可在以下问题#1中找到:Can WCF服务合同有一个为空的输入参数?。唯一的问题是, ConvertValueToString 不超载,所以我掀起一个快速上升:

The NullableWebHttpBehavior can be found at the following Stackoverflow question: Can a WCF service contract have a nullable input parameter?. The only problem was, ConvertValueToString wasn't overloaded, so I whipped a quick one up:

    public override string ConvertValueToString(object parameter, Type parameterType)
        var underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(parameterType);

        // Handle nullable types
        if (underlyingType != null)
            var asString = parameter.ToString();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(asString))
                return null;

            return base.ConvertValueToString(parameter, underlyingType);

        return base.ConvertValueToString(parameter, parameterType);


This may not be perfect, but it seems to work as intended.


您选择1)可以为WCF客户端工作,因为 WebHttpBehavior 可应用于ClientBase(或的ChannelFactory)如本SO问题和放大器;的回答。只需将您在1引用code)与在捕获500响应问题所示的配置,并将其显示工作。

Your option 1) can work for a WCF client because the WebHttpBehavior can be applied to a ClientBase (or ChannelFactory) derived class as shown in this SO question & answer. Just combine the code you reference in 1) with the configuration shown in the capturing 500 responses question and it show work.


