
由网友(偏执。)分享简介:我试图使用 System.Xml.Linq的以创建XHTML文档。因此,节点在我的树木绝大多数应该使用此命名空间:I'm trying to use System.Xml.Linq to create XHTML documents. Thus, the vast majority of the nodes in m...

我试图使用 System.Xml.Linq的以创建XHTML文档。因此,节点在我的树木绝大多数应该使用此命名空间:

I'm trying to use System.Xml.Linq to create XHTML documents. Thus, the vast majority of the nodes in my trees ought to use this namespace:


我可以创建的XElement 节点作用于这个命名空间很轻松了,使用的XNamespace ,像这样的:

I can create XElement nodes scoped to this namespace easily enough, using an XNamespace, like this:

XNamespace xhtml = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
// ...
new XElement(xhtml + "html", // ...

不过,我不希望有作出的XNamespace 可在所有的code创建HTML节点,并以preFIX每单个的XElement (和 XAttribute )创建相应的名字。

However, I don't want to have to make an XNamespace available throughout all the code that creates HTML nodes, and have to prefix every single XElement (and XAttribute) name I create accordingly.

的XML文本格式本身需要这个要求考虑在内,并允许设置一个默认的命名空间中,由后代继承了祖先,使用预留的xmlns 属性。我想用做同样的事情 System.Xml.Linq的

The XML text format itself takes this requirement into account, and permits setting a default namespace in an ancestor which is inherited by descendants, using the reserved xmlns attribute. I'd like to do something similar using System.Xml.Linq.



我已经决定使用一个静态类名为 XHTML ,如下所示:

I've decided to use a static class called XHtml, that looks like this:

public static class XHtml
    static XHtml()
        Namespace = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";

    public static XNamespace Namespace { get; private set; }

    public static XElement Element(string name)
        return new XElement(Namespace + name);

    public static XElement Element(string name, params object[] content)
        return new XElement(Namespace + name, content);

    public static XElement Element(string name, object content)
        return new XElement(Namespace + name, content);

    public static XAttribute Attribute(string name, object value)
        return new XAttribute(/* Namespace + */ name, value);

    public static XText Text(string text)
        return new XText(text);

    public static XElement A(string url, params object[] content)
        XElement result = Element("a", content);
        result.Add(Attribute("href", url));
        return result;

这似乎是做事最干净的方法,特别是因为我可以再添加的便利程序,如 XHtml.A 办法(不是所有我的班此处示出)。

This seems to be the cleanest way of doing things, particularly as I can then add in convenience routines, such as the XHtml.A method (not all of my class is shown here).


