
由网友(一笑醉人间)分享简介:我使用的是Android工作室(测试版)0.8.7和我的logcat一直工作正常了几个月。突然间我的logcat是无法检测到任何应用程序或包名。这意味着我无法过滤的邮件为特定的应用程序我测试这是很烦人的。典型的logcat的消息现在是这样的:I'm using Android Studio (Beta) 0.8.7...


I'm using Android Studio (Beta) 0.8.7 and my logcat has been working fine for months. All of a sudden my logcat is unable to detect any app or package names. This means I cannot filter the messages for the particular app I'm testing which is very annoying. Typical logcat messages now look like this:


Notice the question mark (?) where the app/package name should be...


Originally I thought it was my device but I've tried it with another android device that I own and I get the same issue. This is what I've tried:

重新启动Android的工作室和我的电脑 杀戮,并从终端开始ADB服务器 重新启动设备


Has anyone experienced this before? Help please as it is driving me a little crazy...


UPDATE: I tried my laptop which has android studio installed and it is doing the same thing! I'm about 95% sure that the app/package name should be there instead of the question mark because that's the way I remember it. Also with a question mark the logcat is unable to filter messages by the app's package name...I never had this problem in the past so it must have been working so I can't be going crazy...


在这里与Android工作室1.0 RC2同样的问题。该设备监视器显示应用程序的名称,但在Android的工作室的的logcat面板,包名始终是一个问号。

Same problem here with Android Studio 1.0 RC2. The Device Monitor shows the application name but in Android Studio's logcat panel, the package name is always a question mark.


I fixed the problem by Checking Tools / Android / Enable ADB Integration and then restarting adb.


A simpler way to is to Debug any app, if ADB integration is disabled, Android Studio will prompt you to enable.


You have to enable ADB integration to launch debugging. Do you want to do that?



