C# - 是否有某种方式蒙上了泛型集合?方式

由网友(人情冷暖薄如纸)分享简介:我一直忙于C#4.0泛型,现在我基本上想要做这样的事情:I've been busy with C# 4.0 generics, and now I basically want to do something like this:public abstract class GenericTree : Tre...


I've been busy with C# 4.0 generics, and now I basically want to do something like this:

public abstract class GenericTree<T> : Tree
    where T : Fruit
    public Tree(IFruitCollection<T> fruits)
        : base(fruits) { }


The base Tree class looks like this:

public abstract class Tree
    private IFruitCollection<Fruit> fruits;

    public IFruitCollection<Fruit> GetFruits
        get { return fruits; }

    public Tree(IFruitCollection<Fruit> fruits)
        this.fruits = fruits;

这是我的第一个问题。 GenericTree的构造函数不能投泛型集合到一个水果集合。我也得到了GenericTree的实现:

Here is my first problem. The constructor of GenericTree can't cast the the generic collection to a fruit collection. I've also got an implementation of the GenericTree:

public class AppleTree : GenericTree<Apple>
    public AppleTree()
        : base(new FruitCollection<Apple>) { }


Here's my second problem. When I add fruit to an instance of AppleTree, using myAppleTree.GetFruits.Add(...), I am not restricted to apples only. I am allowed to add all kinds of fruit. I don't want this.


I tried to solve that problem by adding this to the GenericTree:

new public IFruitCollection<T> GetFruits
    get { return base.GetFruits as IFruitCollection<T>; }


But this is not possible either. It somehow always returns null. It could be possible that this will be solved, when my first problem is solved.


The IFruitCollection interface looks like this:

public interface IFruitCollection<T> : ICollection<T>
    where T : Fruit { ... }

而FruitCollection类是一个简单的实现集合类。 哦,当然,苹果类继承了水果类。

And the FruitCollection class is a simple implementation of the Collection class. Oh, and of course, the Apple class extends the Fruit class.


The solution is to make the IFruitCollection interface compatible with both covariance and contravariance. But how do I achieve this? The "in" or "out" parameter keywords are not possible, because the ICollection interface doesn't allow it.




I think I found my solution, while I was trying out phoog's workaround. Thanks, phoog!

起初我没有给GenericTree自己FruitCollection。 Mosty因为基类经常遍历自己的收藏,比如更新的成果。这导致到水果没有更新,因为他们被添加到GenericTree的集合,而不是基地集合。

At first I didn't give GenericTree his own FruitCollection. Mosty because the base class often loops through his own collection, for example to update the fruits. This resulted into fruits not updating, because they were added to the GenericTree's collection, not to the base collection.


But eventually I realised that casting those collections is never going to work either.


Now I've made another FruitCollection class that automatically adds and removes components to the base FruitCollection, and vice versa. This solution works great for me!

public FruitCollection<T, U> : FruitCollection<T>
    where T : U
    where U : Fruit
    private FruitCollection<U> baseCollection;

    public FruitCollection(FruitCollection<U> baseCollection)
        : base()
        this.baseCollection = baseCollection;

        // here I added code that throws events whenever the collection is changed
        // I used those events to add/remove fruit to the base collection, and vice versa
        // see the link below.


public class GenericTree<T>: Tree
    where T : Fruit
    private FruitCollection<T> fruits;

    // use the new keyword to hide the base collection
    new public FruiCollection<T> Fruits
        get { return fruits; }

    public GenericTree()
        : base()
        // after hiding the base collection, use base.Fruits to get it
        fruits = new FruitCollection<T, Fruit>(base.Fruits);



