
由网友(星星对着月亮说我爱你)分享简介:我的工作与旧版本的Andr​​oid(姜饼2.3.4)。为了开发这些版本我现在使用的Ubuntu 10.04。同时,我想用最新版本:12.04或者12.10。这是写这里:I work with older releases of Android (Gingerbread 2.3.4). To develop for...

我的工作与旧版本的Andr​​oid(姜饼2.3.4)。为了开发这些版本我现在使用的Ubuntu 10.04。同时,我想用最新版本:12.04或者12.10。这是写这里:

I work with older releases of Android (Gingerbread 2.3.4). To develop for these versions I use now Ubuntu 10.04. At the same time, I would like to use more recent version: 12.04 or maybe 12.10. It is written here:

大厦在Ubuntu 12.04是目前唯一的实验支持   并且不保证工作在除主等分支机构。

Building on Ubuntu 12.04 is currently only experimentally supported and is not guaranteed to work on branches other than master.

因此​​,这里是我的问题,已有人试图建立旧版本的Andr​​oid在Ubuntu 12.04?我不喜欢新的统一的接口,所以我也考虑XFCE或KDE。这就是为什么这里是第二个问题,我会与建筑物有任何麻烦,如果我改变窗口的系统?

So here is my question, has anybody tried to build old versions of Android on Ubuntu 12.04? I do not like new unity interface so I also consider xfce or kde. That's why here is the second question, will I have any troubles with building if I change window system?


是的,有可能在Ubuntu 12.10搭建姜饼。

Yes, it is possible to build Gingerbread on Ubuntu 12.10.

最大的问题是,Ubuntu的12.10有新的gcc 4.7,这是非常严格的。 它可以通过打补丁Android源来解决它与新的海湾合作​​委员会的要求进行规范。然而,这是很困难的事,尤其是当它涉及到修补旧的内核源代码。

Biggest problem is that Ubuntu 12.10 has newer gcc 4.7, which is very strict. It is possible to fix it by patching Android source to be compliant with new gcc requirements. However, this can be difficult to do, especially when it involves patching older kernel sources.

您可以通过简单的安装绕过这个旧的GCC 4.4(这是默认版本在Ubuntu 10.10)。

You can bypass this by simply installing older gcc 4.4 (which is default version in Ubuntu 10.10).

sudo apt-get install gcc-4.4-multilib g++-4.4-multilib

在这之后,你需要让GCC 4.4是默认的编译器为你的Andr​​oid编译。 最简单的方法是简单的符号链接GCC,G ++,CPP指向旧版本,并把它添加到路径:

After that, you need to make gcc 4.4 to be the default compiler for your Android compilation. Easiest way is to simply symlink gcc, g++, cpp to point to older versions and add it to PATH:

mkdir ~/bin
cd ~/bin
ln -s /usr/bin/g++-4.4 g++
ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-4.4 gcc
ln -s /usr/bin/cpp-4.4 cpp
# you might want to add line below to ~/.bashrc:
export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH


Now, you need to have Java installed. Unlike newer Android 4, Gingerbread can be built using OpenJDK, so you should be able to simply

sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk




