Android的,Java的 - 使用位图帧反转的视频渲染视频(Xuggler)位图、视频、Android、Java

由网友(神经病人思维广)分享简介:我有没有视频帧的的ArrayList<位图> 。我曾访问过这个框架使用 MediaMetadataRetriever.getFrameAtTime()方法,在一个视频文件(.MP4)。I am having no of video frames in ArrayList. I have...

我有没有视频帧的的ArrayList<位图> 。我曾访问过这个框架使用 MediaMetadataRetriever.getFrameAtTime()方法,在一个视频文件(.MP4)。

I am having no of video frames in ArrayList<Bitmap>. I have accessed this frames using MediaMetadataRetriever.getFrameAtTime() method over a Video file(.mp4).

我扭转的ArrayList帧的顺序。  现在,使用这种反向订购框架队列我想要呈现的视频,以便DAT它会得到相反的(我希望我在正确的轨道上)。

i reverse the order of frames in ArrayList. Now using this reverse ordered frame queue i want to render a video so dat it would get reversed (i hope i am on right track).


After creating that video i also want to save it to sd Card.

如何实现这一目标? 要么 用DER任何其他方法来扭转视频在Java?

how to achieve this? Or Is der any other method to reverse a video in java?

修改1: **( 使用xuggler 的)**

Edit 1: **(Using xuggler)**

我试图用xuggler ......我试图用它的.jar文件。 但它抛出一些错误。

i tried using xuggler ... i tried using it's .jar file. but it is throwing some errors.

[2012-08-18 00:29:16 - xugglertest2] The library 'xuggle-xuggler-5.2.jar' contains native libraries that will not run on the device.
    [2012-08-18 00:29:16 - xugglertest2]  The following libraries were found:
    [2012-08-18 00:29:16 - xugglertest2]  - com/xuggle/ferry/i686-pc-linux-gnu/
    [2012-08-18 00:29:16 - xugglertest2]  - com/xuggle/ferry/i686-pc-linux-gnu/
    [2012-08-18 00:29:16 - xugglertest2]  - com/xuggle/ferry/i686-pc-linux-gnu/
    [2012-08-18 00:29:16 - xugglertest2]  - com/xuggle/ferry/i686-pc-linux-gnu/
    [2012-08-18 00:29:16 - xugglertest2]  - com/xuggle/ferry/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/
    [2012-08-18 00:29:16 - xugglertest2]  - com/xuggle/ferry/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/
    [2012-08-18 00:29:16 - xugglertest2]  - com/xuggle/ferry/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/
    [2012-08-18 00:29:16 - xugglertest2]  - com/xuggle/ferry/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/


What should i do ??

我复制xuggler-xuggler-5.4.jar项目的库文件夹,然后将其添加到构建路径。 M I这样做是否正确?

i copied xuggler-xuggler-5.4.jar in libs folder of project and then add it to build path. m i doing it correctly?

编辑2: (使用的ffmpeg)的 我编的ffmpeg为Android在Ubuntu平台上按给定的这里 我被编译的文件按该文件。 现在,任何人可以告诉我,我该如何使用在Android应用程序的编译后的文件? 究竟应该怎么做与这些文件? 我没有找到任何合适的文档。任何帮助将是GR8。

Edit 2: (Using ffmpeg) I have compiled ffmpeg for android on ubuntu platform as per given Here I got compiled files as per the document. Now can anybody tell me how can i use those compiled files in android application? what exactly should i do with those files?? I didn't find any suitable documentation. any help would be gr8.

修改3:(移植到Android -ffmpeg)的

Edit 3 : (Ported to android -ffmpeg)

嘿.. ubuntu上最后我编的ffmpeg我得到。我将它移植成功的机器人。 libffmpeg.so加载在Android的活动成功。现在我只是想测试一个简单的ffmpeg的命令或程序。你可以建议我在什么地方找到它?你可以建议我一个示例命令来测试它。

hey.. finally i compiled ffmpeg on ubuntu i got I ported it to android successfully. is loading in android activity successfully. Now i just want to test a simple ffmpeg command or program. can you suggest where shall i look for it.? can you suggest me a sample command to test it.



您可以使用的 ffmpeg的从图像组合的视频。您可以在几个方面整合的ffmpeg在Java中(安卓)(一种是直接通过

You can use ffmpeg to assemble video from images. You can integrate ffmpeg in Java(Android) in a couple of ways (one being directly running it via


),但可能是一个很好的方式来做到这一点是通过 Xuggler 项目 - 这在很大程度上依赖于ffmpeg的。对于起点,这里有一个一套引进教程,并在这里是一个完整的教程如何途中从序列code视频图片。这是一个大量的工作和阅读,但所有你需要的信息是存在的。祝你好运!

), but probably a good way to do it is via the Xuggler project - it heavily relies on ffmpeg. For starting point, here's a set of introduction tutorials and here's a complete tutorial how to encode video from sequence of images. It's a lot of work and reading, but all the information you need is there. Good luck!


