由网友(在苦也不哭)分享简介:我有一种感觉,我可能已经知道这个问题的答案,但我会问反正。I have a feeling I may already know the answer to this question, but I'll ask it anyway.是否有任何的好的使用.net分析API比COM /托管C ++路线的方式?Are...


I have a feeling I may already know the answer to this question, but I'll ask it anyway.

是否有任何的好的使用.net分析API比COM /托管C ++路线的方式?

Are there any better ways of using the .Net Profiling API than the COM/Managed C++ route?


My reluctance to follow the suggested COM approach is as such:

在努力,它的上手了很多跑腿 请不要喜欢参与挂钩的C ++动态链接库的魔力,不容易重新分配与项目 感觉很难单元测试 请不要想在C ++中的行为。我可以创建一个互操作层,但是这更多的工作 难以调试。从我收集的,你不能一个调试器附加到实际的C ++层,所以你又回到了日志文件和这样

我碰到一个叫 NProf 的项目,这是企图包裹与管理层的API。不幸的是它没有被自2003年以来已更新

I came across a project called NProf, which was an attempt to wrap the API with a managed layer. Unfortunately it hasn't been updated since 2003.


Does anyone have any leads that might help? This all just feels a bit nasty.


在此介绍的API我指的是:的分析API 在我使用Visual Studio中的框架 2008年,和V3.5 This describes the API I'm referring to: The Profiling API I'm using Visual Studio 2008, and v3.5 of the framework



You can take a look at Part-Cover. It's a code coverage tool (GPL) but it works similarly to NCover, which means it uses profiling API to do its job. Not sure how good or bad the code is, and of how much help it'll be for you (GPL may be an issue as well), but its something you may want to take a look at. It's been updated late last year and then went silent, so I'm not sure if the project is still active.


