
由网友(脾气嗷嗷坏)分享简介:我有一个Android应用程序与英文字符串值/ strings.xml中。对于在该文件中的每个字符串,我已经在价值观-JA / strings.xml中以该字符串的日语翻译的条目。如果我设置了仿真器,一个的Nexus One或Nexus S的日本,用户界面​​显示在整个日本的文字。大部分时间I have an And...

我有一个Android应用程序与英文字符串值/ strings.xml中。对于在该文件中的每个字符串,我已经在价值观-JA / strings.xml中以该字符串的日语翻译的条目。如果我设置了仿真器,一个的Nexus One或Nexus S的日本,用户界面​​显示在整个日本的文字。大部分时间

I have an Android application with English strings in values/strings.xml. For each string in that file, I have an entry in values-ja/strings.xml with the Japanese translation of that string. If I set the emulator, a Nexus One or Nexus S to Japanese, the UI shows Japanese text throughout. Most of the time.


Sometimes, some portion of the UI will appear in English, even though the current locale is ja-JP. For instance, I wrote this test code in the onCreate() method of one of my activities:

Log.e(TAG, "Default locale = '" + Locale.getDefault().toString() + "'");
Log.e(TAG, "My string = '" + getResources().getString(R.string.my_string) + "'");


Sometimes I will see in LogCat:

Default locale is 'ja_JP'
My string is '日本'


Other times I will see:

Default locale is 'ja_JP'
My string is 'English'


Sometimes this issue is resolved by rotating the phone. Sometimes it's resolved by exiting and restarting the app. Sometimes only a portion of a single screen is in English. Sometimes this issue occurs with strings that are pulled out of the resources via code, and sometimes it occurs with strings that are only referenced by a layout. Nowhere in my application do I call Locale.setDefault(), so that's not causing the issue.



I've found a way to correct the issue for a specific activity. In that activity's onCreate():

Log.e(TAG, "getString: '" + getString(R.string.my_string) + "'");
Log.e(TAG, "getResources().getConfiguration(): '" +
      getResources().getConfiguration().toString() + "'");
Log.e(TAG, "getResources().getDisplayMetrics(): '" +
      getResources().getDisplayMetrics().toString() + "'");

Log.e(TAG, "Setting configuration to getConfiguration()");

Log.e(TAG, "getString: '" + getString(R.string.my_string) + "'");
Log.e(TAG, "getResources().getConfiguration(): '" +
      getResources().getConfiguration().toString() + "'");
Log.e(TAG, "getResources().getDisplayMetrics(): '" +
      getResources().getDisplayMetrics().toString() + "'");


This results in the following in LogCat:

getString: 'English'
getResources().getConfiguration(): '{ scale=1.0 imsi=0/0 loc=ja_JP touch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=3/1 orien=1 layout=34 uiMode=17 seq=8}'
getResources().getDisplayMetrics(): 'DisplayMetrics{density=1.5, width=480, height=800, scaledDensity=1.5, xdpi=254.0, ydpi=254.0}'
Setting configuration to getConfiguration()
getString: '日本'
getResources().getConfiguration(): '{ scale=1.0 imsi=0/0 loc=ja_JP touch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=3/1 orien=1 layout=34 uiMode=17 seq=8}'
getResources().getDisplayMetrics(): 'DisplayMetrics{density=1.5, width=480, height=800, scaledDensity=1.5, xdpi=254.0, ydpi=254.0}'


As you can see from the log, nothing in the current configuration changes, but getString() gives different results.


It's impractical to use this workaround in every place in my application where a resource might be used, but hopefully this provides a hint about what's going wrong.



This is just a theory but you could be leaking a Context. Basically, the old activity might be reporting the string values rather than the newly created on.


A way to test this is:

更改TAG一个成员变量(不是静态的!)。 在OnCreate中,设置TAG = this.toString(),这将会把活动作为标签的内存地址。 有活动打印出来使用初始语言环境的东西。 在做任何更改地区。这应该(永远验证了这一点),重新启动该活动,你会得到一个新的活动。如果你这么做。然后看日志,看看内存地址改变的标记。如果存储器地址相同的上下文被泄露之前。

