ASP.NET MVC从数据库下拉列表数据库、列表、ASP、NET

由网友([痛经如此多娇])分享简介:好了,我是新来的这整个MVC-世界,但它似乎是做事情,我试图让在这里工作的pretty的好办法。Ok, so I'm new to this whole MVC-world, but it seems to be a pretty good way of getting things done and I'm try...


Ok, so I'm new to this whole MVC-world, but it seems to be a pretty good way of getting things done and I'm trying to make it work here.

的问题是: 我无法从我在我的SQL数据库表中的数据来对我的注册页面的简单下拉型窗体。

The problem is: I can't get data from my table in my SQL-database to a simple drop-down form on my registration page.

我只是不知道往哪儿放了东西,到哪里code打开表,选择IDS,放在哪里的Response.Write 和我该如何将它发送给看法?

I have just no idea where to put the stuff, where to code to open the table, select the ids, where to put the response.write and how do I send it to the view?


    public class users
    public string name {get; set;}
    public int user_id {get; set;}


My Controller is this:

    public ActionResult ListUser()
        return View();


@model Community.Models.users


I have googled for 2 days now and watched several videos on youtube but of no use, I can't find it. Please, anyone with some knowledge here? And please point me to some good tutorials and/or forums where I can browse for more questions I might have


Still no luck on this project..

我要创建一个表单和表单内,我希望有一个DB-环路(的IEnumerable )。但目前的模式是不是的IEnumerable 。我是pretty的多卡,看了一堆教程和他们都只是列表中的一个连接,如果我想两个型号?

I'm creating a form and within that form, i want a db-loop (IEnumerable).. But the current model is not a IEnumerable. I'm pretty much stuck, watched a bunch of tutorials and they all just list ONE connection, what if I want two models?


Here is my Controller, I get that you must pass a list to the view, right?

    public ActionResult Registration()
        return View(db.users.ToList());

我怎么弄个该列表中的在我看来不用其他的的IEnumerable 模式?


@neoistheone, your example didnt help me much, my DB opens like this:

private DataBaseContext db = new DataBaseContext();

和我不知道如何,但它打开的连接。 我试过这么多小时,现在,它只是傻了,还没有睡洙长!

and i don't know how, but it opens the connection. I've tried for so many hours now, its just silly, haven't slept for soo long!


I'm used to programming ASP-Classic fyi, and this is my first serious try to upgrade my knowledge about programing an up-to-date language and OOP.


添加的SelectList 到模型:

public SelectList DropDownList { get; set; }


build the class for that collection:

public class MyListTable
    public string Key { get; set; }
    public string Display { get; set; }

,然后在你的控制器,用于加载从数据库 MyListTable 类中的数据:

var list = new List<MyListTable>();

using (SqlConnection c = new SqlConnection(cString))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT KeyField, DisplayField FROM Table", c))
    using (SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
        while (rdr.Read())
            list.Add(new MyListTable
                Key = rdr.GetString(0),
                Display = rdr.GetString(1)

var model = new users();
model.DropDownList = new SelectList(list, "Key", "Display");


and then finally, you need to send your model to the view:

return View(model);


Now in the Razor you can display this:

@Html.DropDownListFor(m => Model.DropDownList);


You of course can name these things better names, but you get the idea.


