
由网友(霸气十足小伙)分享简介:所以测试便携式类库没有任何特定平台的code时,针对来自足够的配置文件中的平台(.NET 4.5)只是一个测试?我的直觉说不准,但我读过一些声称并非如此。So when testing a Portable Class Library without any platform specific code, is te...

所以测试便携式类库没有任何特定平台的code时,针对来自足够的配置文件中的平台(.NET 4.5)只是一个测试?我的直觉说不准,但我读过一些声称并非如此。

So when testing a Portable Class Library without any platform specific code, is testing against just one of the platforms (.net 4.5) from the profile enough? My intuition says no, but I've read some claims otherwise.


And if you do need to test against each platform, do any of the multitude of test frameworks out there for .net have a PCL testing library with runners for each or most platforms, so only one DLL of unit tests would be necessary?



It's usually best to test on all platforms. Right now I'm not aware of any test framework/runner that supports this. I'm hoping to help xUnit do so.

我做了一个非常简单的实现了一个测试框架,我 PCL存储库。所以,你可以用它来让你开始在所有的平台上运行测试。

I've done a very simple implementation of a test framework for my PCL Storage library. So you could use that to get you started running tests on all the platforms.


