
由网友(浅月.)分享简介:我们有一个REST API,建立与WCF。 We have a REST API, built with WCF. 我们处理所有的异常后端的与WebFaultException是这样的:We handle all the exceptions backend with WebFaultException like...

我们有一个REST API,建立与WCF。

We have a REST API, built with WCF.


We handle all the exceptions backend with WebFaultException like this:

throw new WebFaultException<string>(e.Message, HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable);


This works just fine except in one scenario where we do a Post, with a stream.


[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", UriTemplate = "saveUser?sessionId={sessionId}&userId={userId}",
        RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
        ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,            
        BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.WrappedRequest)]
    string SaveUser(string sessionId, int userId, Stream stream);


When handling this stream in a using statement, whenever we then run into an exception we keep getting:


HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 
  <p>The server encountered an error processing the request. The exception message is 'The message object has been disposed.'. See server logs for more details. The exception stack trace is: </p>
  <p>  at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ByteStreamMessage.InternalByteStreamMessage.get_Properties()
   at System.ServiceModel.OperationContext.get_IncomingMessageProperties()
   at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.WebErrorHandler.ProvideFault(Exception error, MessageVersion version, Message&amp; fault)</p>


Looks like it has something to do with the stream and StreamReader being disposed.


I have then tried to remove anything that will dispose the StreamReader, and this acctualy works. The code handling this now looks like this:

这解决了与发送正确的异常信息的问题,而是如何不好这会不会影响我们的应用程序,不关闭或处置我们的StreamReader? 你看到解决这个的其他方法吗?

This solves the problem with sending correct exception messages, but how bad will this affect our application, not closing or disposing our StreamReader? Do you see any other ways of solving this ?



This happens because the StreamReader takes over 'ownership' of the stream. In other words, it makes itself responsible for closing the source stream. As soon as your program calls Dispose or Close (leaving the using statement scope in your case) then it will dispose the source stream as well. Calling sr.Dispose() in your case. So the file stream is dead after.


If you don't want this you could create a new class which inherits from StreamReader and override the Close method; inside your Close method, call Dispose(false) which does not close the stream.

您也可以使用 NonClosingStreamWrapper 类从乔恩斯基特的 MiscUtil 库,它提供完全的目的。

You could also use the NonClosingStreamWrapper class from Jon Skeet's MiscUtil library, it serves exactly that purpose.


But it would be better to not leave the StreamReader without disposing it because it can't clean any unmanaged resources.


