
由网友(奶气丫头自然萌)分享简介:我有一个的LinearLayout 认为已经包含几个要素。我想补充了很多意见吧,编程。因为这是在滚动型,一切都将滚动。I have a LinearLayout view that already contains several elements. I want to add a lot more Views to...

我有一个的LinearLayout 认为已经包含几个要素。我想补充了很多意见吧,编程。因为这是在滚动型,一切都将滚动。

I have a LinearLayout view that already contains several elements. I want to add a lot more Views to it, programmatically. And because this is inside a ScrollView, everything will be scrolled.


So what I do is go through my list, and add new instances of my custom View to it. That custom view inflates a XML layout and adds a few methods.

此方法非常有效。现在的问题是,它的超慢,即使没有任何疯狂的code ...... 10个项目的列表需要大约500ms的实例。作为一个用户体验的角度来看,这是难以下咽。

This approach works well. The problem is that it's super slow, even without any crazy code... a list with 10 items takes around 500ms to instantiate. As an user experience standpoint, this is hard to swallow.


My question is, is this the correct/best approach? Android seems to take a lot of time inflating the layout, even though "R.layout.my_list_item" is super simple. I wonder if there's a way to maybe to reuse "inflated" layouts for additional views, kinda caching the more complex parsing?

我已经试过这样做有一个的ListView (和适配器和包装器),它似乎要快很多。问题是,我不能用一个简单的的ListView ;我的布局是不是一个简单的列表更复杂(的的LinearLayout 本身包含额外的自定义图标,它有另一名家长有更多的意见之前,它包裹的滚动型)。

I've tried doing this with a ListView (and adapter and a wrapper) and it seems to be much faster. The problem is that I can't use a simple ListView; my layout is more complex than a simple list (the LinearLayout itself contains additional custom icons, and it has another parent with even more Views before it's wrapped by the ScrollView).


But is there a way to use an adapter for a LinearLayout? Would that be faster than trying to add the views myself?

任何帮助是AP preciated。我很想让这个更快。

Any help is appreciated. I'd love to make this faster.



// The LinearLayout that will contain everything
lineList = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.lineList);

// Add a lot of items for testing
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    addListItem("Item number " + i);

protected void addListItem(String __title) {
    MyListItem li;
    li = new MyListItem(this);


public class MyListItem extends RelativeLayout {

    protected TextView textTitle;

    public MyListItem(Context __context) {

    public MyListItem(Context __context, AttributeSet __attrs) {
        super(__context, __attrs);

    public MyListItem(Context __context, AttributeSet __attrs, int __attrsdefStyle) {
        super(__context, __attrs, __attrsdefStyle);

    protected void init() {
        // Inflate the XML layout
        LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) getContext().getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
        inflater.inflate(R.layout.my_list_item, this);

        // Create references
        textTitle = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.textTitle);

    public void setTitle(String __text) {


What I'm trying to accomplish is this. Consider this layout:

这布局是一个的FrameLayout (外包装盒)含的ImageView (灰色),一个的TextView (内部矩形,顶部)和的LinearLayout (内部矩形,在底部)。这的LinearLayout 矩形是一个我用动态的几个项目填充。

This layout is a FrameLayout (outer box) containing a ImageView (in gray), a TextView (inner rectangle, on top) and a LinearLayout (inner rectangle, on bottom). This LinearLayout rectangle is the one I'm dynamically populating with a few items.

在我填充它,我想最后的结果是这样的(在每一个新的矩形是一个新的 MyListItem )实例:

After I populate it, I want the final result to be this (where every new rectangle is a new MyListItem instance):

即,一切是可滚动(背景图像,例如,被对准在顶部)。该的LinearLayout 本身不是滚动(一切如下),因此为什么的ListView ,据我所知,不会告发'T工作得很好 在我的情况。

That is, everything is scrollable (the background image, for example, is aligned on top). The LinearLayout isn't scrollable by itself (everything else follows) hence why a ListView, from what I know, wouldn't work very well in my case.



替换一切与一个ListView,与其他家长和自定义图标作为ListView的标头视图。 ListView的速度更快,因为它只是因为它需要他们创造的思考。

Replace everything with a ListView, with the other parent and custom icons as a header view for the ListView. ListView is faster, because it only creates Views as it needs them.


Programatically create the contents of my_list_item instead of inflating, might be quicker

使用 ViewStubs 可能让你加载按需意见。

Use of ViewStubs may allow you to load views on-demand.


Maybe it isn't loading the views but the data? in which case prepare the data in a background thread.


