
由网友(时光飞逝、)分享简介:我想拖ñ下降的图像文本视图中的Andr​​oid 2.X 请,看看下面这个图片。下面,蓝色重presents的ViewGrop,白是的ImageView和图像设置在ImageView的。文写着时尚是一个TextView.This是我怎么也实现结构。现在我想允许用户选择的TextView并将其拖动到任何部分的图像,然后...

我想拖ñ下降的图像文本视图中的Andr​​oid 2.X


下面,蓝色重presents的ViewGrop,白是的ImageView和图像设置在ImageView的。 文写着时尚是一个TextView.This是我怎么也实现结构。现在我想允许用户选择的TextView并将其拖动到任何部分的图像,然后将其放在图像在需要的位置。





ImageView的CanvasView =(ImageView的)findViewById(R.id.fashion_pic)



    位图BM = BitmapFactory.de codeResource(getResources(),R.drawable.fashion_pic);
    位图代理= Bitmap.createBitmap(bm.getWidth(),bm.getHeight(),Config.ARGB_8888);
    帆布C =新的Canvas(代理);



安卓app开发 控件TextView



    公共布尔onTouch(视图V,MotionEvent E){

        someGlobalXvariable = e.getX();
        someGlobalYvariable = e.getY();


编辑:如果您移动从 redrawImage线1-3()和其他地方安置他们,这些设置可能更多的表现友好对象为全局对象。我让你鼓捣了。

I want to drag n drop the text view on image in android 2.X

please , look at this image below.

Here, "Blue" color represents the ViewGrop , "White" is ImageView and the image is set on the ImageView. the text written "Fashion" is a TextView.This is how i have implement the structure. Now i want to allow the user to select the TextView and drag it to any part of the image and then drop it over the image at desired position.

As of now for a reference i tried to refer the following url but whenever i use TextView instead of Button things are getting abnormal.

link text

Can anyone give me the road map or example to get it done ?


Instead, try getting your ImageView as a canvas to draw into.

ImageView CanvasView = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.fashion_pic)

From here you can create your own Bitmap and re-draw it after a TouchEvent. The following snippet contains a necessary work-around for a bug in 2.1 (or 2.2, I can't remember):

public void redrawImage() {

    Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.fashion_pic);
    Bitmap proxy = Bitmap.createBitmap(bm.getWidth(), bm.getHeight(), Config.ARGB_8888);
    Canvas c = new Canvas(proxy);

    //Here, we draw the background image.
    c.drawBitmap(bm, new Matrix(), null);

    //Here, we draw the text where the user last touched.
    c.drawText("Fashion", someGlobalXvariable, someGlobalYvariable, somePaint);


Here, you have created a canvas which already has your picture as the background and paints text at an x and y variable. Now, just set an OnTouchListener:

CanvasView.setOnTouchListener( new OnTouchListener(){

    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent e) {

        someGlobalXvariable = e.getX();
        someGlobalYvariable = e.getY();
        return true;

As you can see, the listener automatically updates your image when it is touched, and the text will follow the user's finger. Since you're using a Bitmap as your canvas, you can also add support for saving/loading an image if your app wants to have that kind of functionality.

Edit: It may be more performance-friendly if you move lines 1-3 from redrawImage() and place them elsewhere, setting those objects as global objects. I'll let you tinker with that.


