XmlSerializer.Deserialize()不反序列化一个List< T>正确地正确地、序列化、Deserialize、XmlSerializer

由网友(奢华De低调)分享简介:我是新来的C#XmlSerializer的所以我可能会丢失一些基本的东西在这里。I am new to the C# XmlSerializer so I might be missing something basic here.我遇到的问题是,我有一个类,它有一个名单,其中,T> 另一个类的。当我序列化的...


I am new to the C# XmlSerializer so I might be missing something basic here.

我遇到的问题是,我有一个类,它有一个名单,其中,T> 另一个类的。当我序列化的主类的XML看起来漂亮,所有的数据是完整的。当我反序列化的XML,在数据的名单,其中,T> 消失,我留下一个空的名单,其中,T> 。我没有收到任何错误和序列化部分的工作方式类似的魅力。

The problem I am running into is that I have one class that has a List<T> of another class. When I serialize the main class the XML looks beautiful and all the data is intact. When I deserialize the XML, the data in the List<T> disappears and I am left with an empty List<T>. I am not receiving any errors and the serialization portion works like charm.


What am I missing with the deserialization process?

编辑:请注意下图所示的code没有重现问题 - 它的工作原理。这是一个简化版本的真正code,是说的没有的工作。不幸的是,低于code的简化足够不重现此问题!

Note that the code shown below does not reproduce the problem - it works. This was a simplified version of the real code, which did not work. Unfortunately, the code below was simplified enough to not reproduce the problem!

public class User
  public User()
    this.Characters = new List<Character>();
  public string Username { get; set; }
  public List<Character> Characters { get; set; }

public class Character
  public Character()
    this.Skills = new List<Skill>();
  public string Name { get; set; }
  public List<Skill> Skills { get; set; }

public enum Skill

public static void Save(User user)
    using (var textWriter = new StreamWriter("data.xml"))
        var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(User));
        xmlSerializer.Serialize(textWriter, user);

public static User Restore()
    if (!File.Exists("data.xml"))
        throw new FileNotFoundException("data.xml");

    using (var textReader = new StreamReader("data.xml"))
        var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(User));
        return (User)xmlSerializer.Deserialize(textReader);

public void CreateAndSave()
  var character = new Character();
  character.Name = "Tranzor Z";

  var user = new User();
  user.Username = "Somebody";


public void RestoreAndPrint()
  var user = Restore();
  Console.WriteLine("Username: {0}", user.Username);
  Console.WriteLine("Characters: {0}", user.Characters.Count);


The XML generated by executing CreateAndSave() looks like so:

      <Name>Tranzor Z</Name>

完美!这是它的方式应该是。如果我再执行 RestoreAndPrint()我得到正确设置用户名属性用户对象,但人物属性是一个空列表:

Perfect! That's the way it should look. If I then execute RestoreAndPrint() I get a User object with the Username property set properly but the Characters property is an empty list:

Username: Somebody
Characters: 0


Can anybody explain to me why the Characters property is serialized properly but won't deserialize?



After futzing around with the code for a long time I finally gave up on the idea of using the default behaviour of the XmlSerializer.


All of the relevant classes now inherit IXmlSerializer and implement the ReadXml() and WriteXml() functions. I was really hoping to take the lazy route but now that I've played with IXmlSerializer I realize that it really isn't difficult at all and the added flexibility is really nice.


