
由网友(素颜马尾帆布鞋)分享简介:我创建通过自动化和邮件合并办公互操作word文件从C#(.NET4)。合并运作良好,用户会收到所创建的文件,因为他的欲望。到目前为止,一切都很好。现在,客户端请求,如果他试图保存生成的文件(通过保存文件对话框),该文件的文件名已经是prefilled。I create word documents via auto...

我创建通过自动化和邮件合并办公互操作word文件从C#(.NET4)。合并运作良好,用户会收到所创建的文件,因为他的欲望。到目前为止,一切都很好。 现在,客户端请求,如果他试图保存生成的文件(通过保存文件对话框),该文件的文件名已经是prefilled。

I create word documents via automation and mailmerge with office Interop from c# (.net4). The merge works well and the user receives the created document as he desires. So far all is well. The client now requests, that if he tries to save the generated file (via save file dialog), that the filename of the document is already prefilled.


I already have tried the obvious things such as setting the Name property of the Document-instance and other properties, I also googled for a solution but up to now, I was not able to set the file-name of the word file (without saving it).


Does someone knows a way how to achieve this? I feel that the client would be very happy if it would work, and I also spent already a lot of time on this (I have to admit that word automation is a thing I have not a lot of experience).



If you set the Title property of the document, when you choose Save As, that is the document name that will be used. You can also set the default save location. In VBA

Set doc = ActiveDocument

sTitle = doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Title").Value
doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Title").Value = "A different title"


Sub SetSummaryInfo()
Dim dp As Object
Dim sTitle As String
    If Documents.Count > 0 Then
       Set dp = Dialogs(wdDialogFileSummaryInfo)
       ' Retrieve value of "Title" into a variable.
       sTitle = dp.Title
       ' Set "Title" to a new value.
       dp.Title = "My Title"
       ' Set the value without showing the dialog.
       ' Save the changes
    End If
End Sub


dynamic dialog = wordApp.Dialogs[WdWordDialog.wdDialogFileSummaryInfo]; 
dialog.Title = "MyTitle"; 

