
由网友(也许、幸福τā狠忙)分享简介:我的问题是自我解释。我寻觅了很多,但无法找到的方式来处理最近的活动按钮点击。我想从安卓3.0平板电脑的状态栏忽视最近的活动按钮硬件按钮的点击。My question is self explanatory.I have searched a lot but could not found the way to...

我的问题是自我解释。 我寻觅了很多,但无法找到的方式来处理最近的活动按钮点击。 我想从安卓3.0平板电脑的状态栏忽视最近的活动按钮硬件按钮的点击。

My question is self explanatory. I have searched a lot but could not found the way to handle Recent activity button click. I want to ignore the hardware button clicks of Recent Activity button from the status bar from android 3.0 tablet.


Currently what I have tried so far is:

public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {

       if(keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) 
              return true;
       // in the same way I have written it for KEYCODE_HOME


can you tell me what should I write to handle recent activity button?

请多关照。 :)

编辑:这是我现在都试过了。该KEY code_APP_SWITCH是行不通的。

This is what I have tried now. The KEYCODE_APP_SWITCH is not working.

public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
        Log.e("INSIDE", "LOCKDEMO");
        if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) {
            Log.e("KEY EVENT", "BACK");
            return true;
        if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME) {
            Log.e("KEY EVENT", "HOME");
            return true;
        if(keyCode == KeyEvent.FLAG_FROM_SYSTEM) {
            Log.e("KEY EVENT", "SYSTEM");
            return true;
        if(keyCode == KeyEvent.FLAG_KEEP_TOUCH_MODE) {
            Log.e("KEY EVENT", "TOUCH MODE");
            return true;
        if(keyCode == KeyEvent.FLAG_SOFT_KEYBOARD) {
            Log.e("KEY EVENT", "SoFT KEYBOARD");
            return true;
        if(keyCode == KeyEvent.FLAG_VIRTUAL_HARD_KEY) {
            Log.e("KEY EVENT", "HARDWARE KEY");
            return true;
        if(keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_APP_SWITCH) {
            Log.e("KEY EVENT", "APP SWITCH");
            return true;

        Log.e("KEY EVENT", "NOT HANDLED");
        return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);

当I $上RecentAppBtn p $ PSS,它甚至不打印,即事件不处理的最后一个日志声明。

When I press on RecentAppBtn, it does not even print the last Log statement i.e. Event not handled.


从窥视到的文档,我认为的 KeyEvent.KEY code_APP_SWITCH 是你要搜索的内容。

From peeking into the docs, I think that KeyEvent.KEYCODE_APP_SWITCH is what you're searching for.

您可以但是也可以使用 KeyEvent.getKey code() -method (在事件 -parameter)看其中键盘 - code被触发(如果有任何键触发),当你preSS的应用程序切换。

You could however also use the KeyEvent.getKeyCode()-method (on the event-parameter) to see which key-code is triggered (and if there is any key triggered), when you press the application switcher.


I played around with this for a while and I have come to the conclusion, that it's not possible.

键code_APP_SWITCH -event不传递为 的onkeydown() 也不 dispatchKeyEvent() 。测功,它不能被处理。

The KEYCODE_APP_SWITCH-event is not delivered to either onKeyDown() nor dispatchKeyEvent(). Ergo, It can not be handled.

此外,你在Android上遇到问题4的设备,因为的 键code_HOME -event 也不再派遣任何上述方法。请参阅该文档:

Also, you'll run into problems on Android 4 devices, because the KEYCODE_HOME-event is also no longer dispatched to any of the above methods. See the docs:

键code常数:Home键。这关键是由框架处理   并且永远不会传递给应用程序

Key code constant: Home key. This key is handled by the framework and is never delivered to applications.


It also seems that there is no real easy approach to creating a real lock-screen yourself. See this discussion: Developing a custom lock screen


It is well possible to show some custom information on the default lock-screen: Is there a way for me to show a customized message on the lock screen?


For the sake of completeness: In Android L, you'll be able to "lock users in your app", so you don't need to manually override the Hardware keys. Here's the relevant information:

第l开发preVIEW 引入了一个新的任务锁定的API,可以让   你暂时离开你的应用程序或成为限制用户   通过通知中断。这可以用来,例如,如果   正在开发的教育应用程序,以支持高风险评估   要求在Android上。 一旦你的应用程序激活此模式下,用户会   无法看到通知,访问其他应用程序,或返回   主屏幕,直到你的应用程序退出模式。


The L Developer Preview introduces a new task locking API that lets you temporarily restrict users from leaving your app or being interrupted by notifications. This could be used, for example, if you are developing an education app to support high stakes assessment requirements on Android. Once your app activates this mode, users will not be able to see notifications, access other apps, or return to the Home screen, until your app exits the mode.


