从C#去VB.NET - 资源?资源、VB、NET

由网友(Silent(无言))分享简介:虽然我已经使用Visual Basic过去(VB 4,5和6),自从.NET框架是首次发布,我一直在C#中工作过。对于即将到来的项目,我被要求在VB.NET工作,所以我想拿出速度与VB.NET。任何人都可以推荐有针对性的对C#开发人员的任何资源(书籍,文章等)谁正在寻找快速熟悉VB.NET?Though I have...

虽然我已经使用Visual Basic过去(VB 4,5和6),自从.NET框架是首次发布,我一直在C#中工作过。对于即将到来的项目,我被要求在VB.NET工作,所以我想拿出速度与VB.NET。任何人都可以推荐有针对性的对C#开发人员的任何资源(书籍,文章等)谁正在寻找快速熟悉VB.NET?

Though I have worked with Visual Basic in the past (VB 4, 5, and 6), ever since the .NET framework was first released I have been working in C#. For an upcoming project I am being asked to work in VB.NET so I am trying to come up to speed with VB.NET. Can anyone recommend any resources (books, articles, etc ..) targeted towards C# developers who are looking to quickly become familiar with VB.NET?


I feel I should emphasize, due to certain comments, that I am not trying to compare the various worth of each language (C# vs. VB.NET). Such a comparison wold be subjective in so many ways. Rather, I am saying I myself am not that versed in VB.NET and am looking for resources that would enable me to learn VB.NET considering my experience is with C#.



Just dive in. Seriously, that is the best way to learn. Functionally, they are mostly the same these days.


For me, the major differences are

在缺乏支持迭代器(收益率回报)在VB.Net(即将在未来的版本) 在VB.Net XML文本都没有在C#中使用。作为一个C#开发人员,很多时候我与XML的这些天,当preFER VB ... 在LINQ查询语法,表现不同VB(丰富的VB中一见钟情,但要在C#中更一致) lack of support for iterators (yield return) in VB.Net (coming in the next version) XML literals in VB.Net are not available in C#. As a C# developer, many times I prefer VB when working with XML these days... linq query syntax behaves differently in VB (richer at first sight in VB, but much more consistent in C#)


Other than that, it's mostly just syntax


Oh, and don't forget to put Option Strict and Option Infer on... If you need dynamic, you can 'sort of' get the same by turning off Option Strict (I recommend doing this at the file level).


