
由网友(辛普森。)分享简介:我已经通过文件>项目结构>模块>相关性>双击Android平台>源路径连接的Andr​​oid源$ C ​​$ C。 I've attached the Android source code via File > Project Structure > Modules > Dependencies > double...

我已经通过文件>项目结构>模块>相关性>双击Android平台>源路径连接的Andr​​oid源$ C ​​$ C。

I've attached the Android source code via File > Project Structure > Modules > Dependencies > double-click the Android Platform > source path.


works for the most part, but in many classes in the source, IntelliJ is complaining about unresolved stuff, like variables it doesn't know about it. Many times these vars are inherited from the superclass. Why can't IntelliJ figure this out? It has no problem going to the declaration of the superclass and all other manner of navigation...


Android SDK中不包含所有的人士透露,为了让他们所有你需要使用一些技巧像的在这个博客帖子描述。

Android SDK doesn't contain all the sources, in order to get them all you need to use some tricks like described in this blog post.

有,可以建立从Android平台的单一来源罐子建立树一样在上面的链接脚本。如果您通过在文章的评论和链接阅读,你可以找到 pre建罐子不同的平台中,您可以下载并附加为Android的SDK源代码中的IntelliJ IDEA或者Eclipse。

There are scripts that can build a single source jar from the Android Platform build tree like at the link above. If you read through the comments and links in that post you can find pre-built jars for different platforms that you can download and attach as Android SDK source in IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse.


