
由网友(哥是痴情范儿)分享简介:的Windows 8.1专业版时,Visual Studio 2013,.NET框架4.5.2 Windows 8.1 Pro, Visual Studio 2013, .NET Framework 4.5.2下面是code:var cultures = CultureInfo.GetCultures(Cultu...

的Windows 8.1专业版时,Visual Studio 2013,.NET框架4.5.2

Windows 8.1 Pro, Visual Studio 2013, .NET Framework 4.5.2


var cultures = CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.AllCultures);
Console.WriteLine("Culture count: " + cultures.Length);


Culture count: 2

这两种文化是其被添加在 CultureData.GetCultures 法ZH-CHS和zh-CHT。其他文化都应该由 CultureData.nativeEnumCultureNames 返回但现在看来,这是返回一个空数组。

The two cultures are zh-CHS and zh-CHT which are added in the CultureData.GetCultures method. The other cultures are supposed to be returned by CultureData.nativeEnumCultureNames but it appears that this is returning an empty array.


This behavior appears to be limited to a single workstation. I've tried the same code on other computers and am getting normal results. How would I go about fixing this? I've attempted re-installing the .NET framework with no success.

修改1:这只会影响.NET 4.0 / 4.5。如果我的项目面向.NET 3.5,它的工作原理,并返回311文化。

Edit 1: This only affects .NET 4/4.5. If my project targets .NET 3.5, it works, returning 311 cultures.


请检查注册表项HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 系统 CurrentControlSet 控制 NLS ExtendedLocale是present。如果缺少,存在已知问题可以通过添加此键周围的工作。

Check to see if the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlNlsExtendedLocale is present. If it is missing, there is a known issue that can be worked around by adding this key.


