Adobe是否在Android SDK或者API为他们的PDF阅读器?他们的、阅读器、Android、Adobe

由网友(Tell Me Why)分享简介:我希望能够在我们的应用程序在一个视图中显示本地PDF文件。 (在Android 4.03下运行的平板电脑),目前我们安装AdobeReader.apk随着我们的应用程序和一个Intent启动。 (我们的设备附带了软件preinstalled)但是,这意味着它单独运行,我们没有编程的控制权(例如,一个形象,是太大,无法在...

我希望能够在我们的应用程序在一个视图中显示本地PDF文件。 (在Android 4.03下运行的平板电脑),目前我们安装AdobeReader.apk随着我们的应用程序和一个Intent启动。 (我们的设备附带了软件preinstalled)但是,这意味着它单独运行,我们没有编程的控制权(例如,一个形象,是太大,无法在屏幕上会强制用户平移 - 我宁愿把它缩小到适合指定的大小。)

I want to be able to display local PDF files in a View within our app. (running on a tablet under Android 4.03) Currently we install AdobeReader.apk along with our app and launch it with an Intent. (our devices are shipped with our software preinstalled) But that means it runs separately and we have no programmatic control over it (for example, an image that's too big to fit on the screen will force the user to pan around - I'd rather have it shrunk to fit a specified size.)


So does Adobe offer an SDK for Android? If not, are there robust alternatives? I've looked at a few third-party ones but they seemed unfinished and not-ready-for-prime-time or they have open licensing issues that would conflict with our commercial/industrial application.


(I know this question has been asked before but maybe something new has emerged since last time it was asked)


还有的的Adobe®Reader的移动SDK 作为用户 KPath001已经指出,但你必须直接联系Adobe获得更多的定价/许可信息。

There's the Adobe® Reader Mobile SDK, as user KPath001 already pointed out, but you have to directly contact Adobe for more pricing/licensing information.

借助福昕PDF嵌入SDK 将是另一个商业可能性,如果他们的


