
由网友(只对你有感觉)分享简介:短篇小说: 我想验证XSD文件(所有的XSD是XMLS自理)使用XSD架构,在code,并获得Visual Studio的表现在其(XML作为打开同一XSD文件时同样的警告或错误文本)编辑器。 I want to validate an XSD file (all XSDs being XMLs themselv...


我想验证XSD文件(所有的XSD是XMLS自理)使用XSD架构,在code,并获得Visual Studio的表现在其(XML作为打开同一XSD文件时同样的警告或错误文本)编辑器。

I want to validate an XSD file (all XSDs being XMLs themselves) using an XSD schema, in code, and get the same warnings or errors that Visual Studio displays when opening the same XSD file in its (xml as text) editor.

的Visual Studio示出了在它的XML编辑警告(见下文)。

Visual Studio shows a warning in its xml editor (see below).


My problem is, the validation done in code gives 100% success. No warning, nothing. What am I missing?


XSD文件是定义一个XML文件,所以我使用XML验证对W3C XSD架构验证我的自定义XSD。

The XSD file is by definition an XML file, so I'm validating my custom XSD using XML validation against the W3C xsd schema.

这里的XSD进行验证,并警告如用VS 2010: (点击IMG进行缩放)

Here's the XSD to be validated and a warning as shown by VS 2010: (click img to zoom)


To spare you the squinting, here's a bit of the warning:

通配符##的任何允许元素Com.Example.Config:permissionConfig,   并且使得内容模型变得模糊。必须在内容模型   这样形成,使得 [... TL;博士] 的

Wildcard '##any' allows element 'Com.Example.Config:permissionConfig', and causes the content model to become ambiguous. A content model must be formed such that [... tl;dr]


This is my custom XSD:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

  <xs:complexType name="Com.Example.Config.PermissionConfigCT" />
  <xs:complexType name="Com.Example.Config.PermissionsCT">
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="permissionConfig" type="tns:Com.Example.Config.PermissionConfigCT" />

      <!-- next line triggers the warning -->
      <xs:any minOccurs="0" processContents="lax" />


检查由VS用于验证的架构(从菜单XML - >模式),显示它的使用:

Checking the schemas used for validation by VS (from menu XML -> Schemas) shows it's using:

xsdschema.xsd (FWIW,它是从的的XSD W3C原始模式, SANS 的DTD的部分) xml.xsd (在previous XSD参考,以相对包括xsdschema.xsd (FWIW, it's derived from the W3C original schema for XSD, sans the DTD parts) xml.xsd (referenced in the previous xsd, by a relative include)


Both files reside (on my machine) here:

C: Program Files文件(x86)的微软的Visual Studio 10.0 XML 架构


I copied them both in the same directory as the executable, for easy referencing.

有关完整,这里是如何的 xsdschema.xsd 定义它的命名空间:

For completeness, here's how the xsdschema.xsd defines its namespaces:

  xml:lang="EN" version="1.0"

  <xs:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"/>

  <xs:complexType name="openAttrs">


...So I went ahead and wrote some quick validating code, using the same XSDs that VS is using. This is the code:

var configXsdPath = "XMLFile1.xml"; 
  //that's my custom XSD file, don't let the extension fool you

var xmlSchemaForXsdPath = "xsdschema.xsd";

var settings = new XmlReaderSettings
        ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema,
        ValidationFlags = XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ReportValidationWarnings
                        | XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessSchemaLocation
                        | XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ProcessIdentityConstraints

using (var tr = XmlReader.Create(xmlSchemaForXsdPath))
    settings.Schemas.Add(XmlSchema.Read(tr, (i_sender, i_args) 
      => {throw new InvalidOperationException(
                 "The validating XSD is itself invalid");} ));

settings.ValidationEventHandler += (i_sender, i_args) 
  => { throw new Exception(i_args.Message); };

var reader = XmlReader.Create(configXsdPath, settings);
while (reader.Read())
//parse it all
{ }


...and no exception pops up whatsoever...


Update Next I tried feeding outright invalid XML: I added this element somewhere inside the custom XSD:



and the code gives the expected error*:

元素'模式'在命名空间 http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema '有无效的子元素AAA。可能元素的列表预计:简单类型,复杂类型,组,attributeGroup,元素,属性,注释,注释在命名空间的 http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema 。

The element 'schema' in namespace 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' has invalid child element 'aaa'. List of possible elements expected: 'simpleType, complexType, group, attributeGroup, element, attribute, notation, annotation' in namespace 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'.


在我简要地说,在某些时候,加入无效的XML不会产生任何错误。这是一个情况下 PEBKAC 。


简单地说,你想达到什么 - 你的验证程序的跳闸下一行触发警告 - 通过验证您的XSD对 W3C XSD架构是从来没有去上班。这就是所谓的唯一粒子属性,这东西的XSD语言不是能够描述的。问题是,这仅仅是个开始;你最终使用了更多的XSD功能,可靠性较差的提议验证这将是。

Simply put, what you're trying to achieve - your validator to trip on next line triggers the warning - by validating your XSD against the W3C xsd schema is never going to work. That is called Unique Particle Attribution, something that the XSD language is not capable of describing. The thing is, this is just the beginning; the more XSD features you end up using, the less reliable your proposed validation it's going to be.

如果你真的想验证一个XSD,.NET上至少使用的的XmlSchemaSet 。要打开和关闭UPA检查,这是你是怎么做的。

If you're really trying to validate an XSD, on .NET at least, use the XmlSchemaSet. To turn on and off the UPA check, this is how you do it.


