无法加载组件(HR = 0x80131018)组件、加载、HR

由网友(年轻就是资本)分享简介:我有一个问题,加载.NET程序集到AutoCAD的用户。我得到以下错误:I have a user with issues loading a .Net assembly into AutoCAD. I get the following error:无法加载程序集。错误信息:System.BadImageForm...


I have a user with issues loading a .Net assembly into AutoCAD. I get the following error:

无法加载程序集。错误信息:System.BadImageFormatException:无法加载文件或程序(HR = 0x80131018)

Cannot load assembly. Error details: System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly (hr = 0x80131018)


They are using an anit virus package called Endpoint Security and when this is turned off, the load works.


I am not a .Net expert and was hoping there might be a friendlier solution than me suggesting the user put their anti virus package in the trash!? But I've no idea where to start, any help would be greatly received.


如果你是不匹配的x86 /值为anycpu System.BadImageFormatException可能发生。尝试编译程序集的 86 模式显式地看看会发生什么。

System.BadImageFormatException can happen if you are mismatching x86 / AnyCpu. Try to compile your assembly in x86 mode explictly and see what happens.


