
由网友(薄年欲断 YEAR)分享简介:我想看看连接的驱动器是USB连接,直通SATA,IDE,eSATA或FireWire。有没有办法找到它,而无需使用WMI?我使用这个code,以获得一些信息。 I would like to find out if connected drive is USB connected, thru SATA, IDE, e...


I would like to find out if connected drive is USB connected, thru SATA, IDE, eSATA or Firewire. Is there a way to find it without using WMI? I'm using this code to get some information.

 DriveInfo[] drives = DriveInfo.GetDrives();
 foreach (DriveInfo drive in drives) {
    // DriveType.Fixed && DriveType.Removable


不幸的是这将返回所有硬盘驱动器的连接通USB DriveType.Fixed ,只有U盘怎么着​​也得 DriveType.Removable

Unfortunately this returns for all HDD's connected thru USB DriveType.Fixed, and only USB Sticks get to be DriveType.Removable.

我想我正在寻找这样的事情......只是,我不知道我真正想要的。不幸的是 GetVolumeInformation 不提供认识路的 InterfaceType

I guess I am looking for something like this... just that I don't know what I am actually looking for. Unfortunately GetVolumeInformation doesn't provide the way to know the InterfaceType

    private static extern long GetVolumeInformation(
        string PathName, 
        StringBuilder VolumeNameBuffer, 
        UInt32 VolumeNameSize, 
        ref UInt32 VolumeSerialNumber, 
        ref UInt32 MaximumComponentLength, 
        ref UInt32 FileSystemFlags, 
        StringBuilder FileSystemNameBuffer, 
        UInt32 FileSystemNameSize);


I would like to skip WMI. I do know I could find it with more or less this code:

  ManagementObjectSearch theSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(
  "SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive WHERE InterfaceType='USB'");


but I would prefer to avoid it.


设备管理器API当然能够告诉你哪些总线和控制器的每个磁盘连接到的。但它不是非常的P / Invoke友好。我建议写的code在C ++中这部分,然后做一个C# - 友好界面无论是与C ++ / CLI或设计换的P / Invoke出口。

The Device Manager API is certainly capable of telling you which bus and controller each disk is attached to. But it's not very p/invoke friendly. I suggest writing this portion of the code in C++ and then making a C#-friendly interface either with C++/CLI or designed-for-p/invoke exports.

该解决方案的核心将调用 SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty 来获取与 SPDRP_BUSTYPEGUID 关联的值。但是,获得正确的 HDEVINFO PSP_DEVINFO_DATA 手柄将需要一些工作。

The core of this solution will be calling SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty to fetch the value associated with SPDRP_BUSTYPEGUID. But getting the right HDEVINFO and PSP_DEVINFO_DATA handles will require some work.


