
由网友(清风与你醉)分享简介:是否有可能激活的Andr​​oid模拟器的网络位置提供商?也许用假CELLID?Is it possible to activate the network location provider on the android emulator? Maybe with a fake cellid?推荐答案我相信,你想...


Is it possible to activate the network location provider on the android emulator? Maybe with a fake cellid?



I believe that what you want to achieve is not possible at the moment. You cannot put mock location data to the emulator's network location provider.

提供了模拟的位置数据被注入GPS定位数据,所以你必须请求,以便模拟位置数据进行工作从GPS_PROVIDER位置更新。 (从的Andr​​oid,文档,提供模拟位置数据)

"Providing mock location data is injected as GPS location data, so you must request location updates from GPS_PROVIDER in order for mock location data to work." (Quote from Android, Documentation, Providing Mock Location Data)


The closest thing I can come up with would be to to create a "Test Provider" from the Location Manager

public void addTestProvider (String name, boolean requiresNetwork, boolean requiresSatellite, boolean requiresCell, boolean hasMonetaryCost, boolean supportsAltitude, boolean supportsSpeed, boolean supportsBearing, int powerRequirement, int accuracy)

和设置参数的 requiresNetwork requiresCell 和 requiresSatellite 相应。然后你可以从把假的位置给供应商:

and set the arguments requiresNetwork, requiresCell and requiresSatellite accordingly. Then you can from put fake locations to that provider:

public void setTestProviderLocation (String provider, Location loc)


That's close to but not exactly what you asked for.


