
由网友(野性傀儡.)分享简介:我想导出签名的Andr​​oid应用程序在Eclipse。I'm trying to export a signed Android application in Eclipse.我想我会在正确的方向:I think I'm going in the right direction:右键单击项目> 机器人工具>...


I'm trying to export a signed Android application in Eclipse.


I think I'm going in the right direction:

右键单击项目> 机器人工具> 导出签名的应用程序包 在出现导出Android应用程序向导。 选择我要导出的项目,请点击下一步 在出现密钥库选择屏幕。 Right click on project > Android Tools > Export Signed Application Package The Export Android Application wizard appears. Select the project I want to export, click Next. The Keystore Selection screen appears.


It looks like this (forgive my ascii, file uploader not working):

[ ] Use existing keystore
[o] Create new keystore

Location: __________ [Browse]
Password: __________
Confirm: __________


I don't have an existing keystore, so I click the "Create new keystore" radio button. The location field remains active, must be filled, and if I browse to some directory I'd like the keystore to go after it's created, the dialog complains that "Keystore path is a directory."

是它实际上可能创建一个密钥库与此对话框? 如果没有,我怎么能创建一个?我的谷歌福只提供了失败的实验对我来说至今。我使用的Eclipse在PC上。

借助编译并签署与Eclipse ADT 在Android开发者页面节似乎觉得这只是工作了,但我不能让过去这部分对话。我可以导出未签名的apk文件就好了。

The Compile and sign with Eclipse ADT section in the android developer page seems to think this will just work out, but I can't get past this part of the dialog. I can export unsigned .apk files just fine.



您应该能够创建对话框密钥库,是的。导航到您想要使用的文件夹后,键入一个名称:在文件浏览窗口,例如现场文件名 sophie.keystore 。然后,你应该能够继续进行。

You should be able to create a keystore with the dialog, yes. After navigating to the folder you want to use, type a name in the 'File name:' field in the file browse window, e.g. sophie.keystore. Then you should be able to proceed.


Alternatively, you can create it on the command line as described in the docs.


keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000


keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/dcaunt.keystore -alias dcaunt -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

