
由网友(内心没有方向到哪都得流浪)分享简介:我试图登录到应用程序,但在登录后的成功,这是即将进入下一个画面,将重新启动。以下是我猜会造成这一点,因为没有其他异常的异常。 I am trying to login into the app but after the login is success and it is about to go to next s...


I am trying to login into the app but after the login is success and it is about to go to next screen, it restarts. Following is the exception that I guess would have caused this, as there is no other exception.

11-14 15:09:54.841: W/WindowManager(643): Failed looking up window
11-14 15:09:54.841: W/WindowManager(643): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Requested window android.os.BinderProxy@4205eb18 does not exist
11-14 15:09:54.841: W/WindowManager(643):   at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.windowForClientLocked(WindowManagerService.java:7622)
11-14 15:09:54.841: W/WindowManager(643):   at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.windowForClientLocked(WindowManagerService.java:7613)
11-14 15:09:54.841: W/WindowManager(643):   at com.android.server.wm.WindowState$DeathRecipient.binderDied(WindowState.java:1591)
11-14 15:09:54.841: W/WindowManager(643):   at android.os.BinderProxy.sendDeathNotice(Binder.java:417)
11-14 15:09:54.841: W/WindowManager(643):   at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
11-14 15:09:54.841: I/WindowManager(643): WIN DEATH: null


Can anyone tell, what does it mean and if possible how to correct it.



This may be caused by calling a system API that is not available on your target device. I ran into this issue then trying to call ActivityManager.MemoryInfo.totalMem on a 4.0.x device. I didn't get any compile errors as I was targeting 4.2.2 and ActivityManager.MemoryInfo.totalMem was added in API16 (4.1)


