
由网友(厌恶人心)分享简介:的任务是让一些在Web服务器端设备的一些统计数据。对于这一点,我想知道的用户代理字符串具体的Andr​​oid设备上的默认浏览器,如:The mission is to get some statistics on some of the devices at the web-server side. For tha...


The mission is to get some statistics on some of the devices at the web-server side. For that, I would like to know the user-agent string for default browsers on specific Android devices such as:

HTC: HTC的Jetstream HTC Flyer的 在宏达电Evo 4G查看 HTC: HTC Jetstream HTC Flyer HTC Evo View 4G NEXUS: 的Nexus 7 的Nexus 10 NEXUS: Nexus 7 Nexus 10 三星: 银河标签 的Galaxy Tab 2 Galaxy Note的 SAMSUNG: Galaxy Tab Galaxy Tab 2 Galaxy Note 摩托罗拉: 摩托罗拉Xyboard 8 的Droid Xyboard 摩托罗拉Xyboard 10 MOTOROLA: Motorola Xyboard 8" Droid Xyboard Motorola Xyboard 10"

有没有一种简单的方法来知道吗?有一个众所周知的列表映射设备名称为用户代理字符串?另外,如果我要采取不同的方法 - 请指教

Is there an easy way to know it? Is there a well-known list that maps device name to user-agent string? Also, if I should take a different approach - please advice.


我会建议你修改现有的解决方案,如它是用Perl编写Apache的移动过滤器。它采用 51Degrees 的XML文件的东西,70K左右的用户代理。您只需将不得不找到有趣的并且它会收集有趣的数据等方式修改AMF脚本。更重要的是51Degrees和AMF的可能也用于识别用户的装置是否是移动的,它的屏幕尺寸等

I would recommend you to modify an existing solution such as Apache Mobile Filter which is written in perl. It uses 51Degrees XML file with something about 70k user agents. You simply would have to find interesting ones and modify AMF script in such way that it would collect interesting data. What is more 51Degrees and AMF might be used also to recognize whether the user's device is mobile, it's screen dimensions etc.


