
由网友(国民小甜心)分享简介:我有一个使用远程服务的Andr​​oid应用程序,我绑定到它与 bindService(),这是异步的。I have an Android application that uses a Remote Service and I bind to it with bindService(), which is asyn...

我有一个使用远程服务的Andr​​oid应用程序,我绑定到它与 bindService(),这是异步的。

I have an Android application that uses a Remote Service and I bind to it with bindService(), which is asynchronous.

该应用程序是没有用的,直到服务绑定,所以我想干脆等到任何活动开始之前该绑定完成。有没有办法让前的onCreate绑定的服务() onResume()被称为?我觉得可能是没有办法做到的应用程序绑定。任何想法?

The app is useless until the service is bound, so I would like to simply wait until the binding is finished before any Activity is started. Is there a way to have the service bound before onCreate() or onResume() is called? I think there might be a way to do the binding in Application. Any ideas?



bindService(service, mWebServiceConnection, BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
synchronized (mLock) { mLock.wait(40000); }


The ServiceConnection.onServiceConnected doesn't get called for 40 seconds. It's clear that I have to let onCreate() return if I want the service to bind.


So it appears there's no way to do what I want.

编辑2: Android我怎么等到服务实际上连接?大约有约束力的服务时是怎么回事Android中一些很好的注释。

Edit 2: Android how do I wait until a service is actually connected? has some good commentary about what is going on in Android when binding a service.



You cannot have bindService() block. However, your ServiceConnection (2nd parameter to bindService) has callbacks to tell you when the service is connected and disconnected, so you can have other code block until your onServiceConnected() method unblocks it.


