
由网友(念上你的温柔)分享简介:我在多数民众赞成在专用设备24小时运作的Play商店的一个不同寻常的Andr​​oid应用程序(它收集传感器数据,它并不意味着对用于其他任何手机上运行)。我想应用程序自动更新,而无需用户交互,但似乎永远不会发生。为什么会这样?I have a somewhat unusual Android app in the P...


I have a somewhat unusual Android app in the Play Store that's running on dedicated devices 24/7 (it collects sensor data, it's not meant to run on phones used for anything else). I would like the app to auto-update without user interaction, but that never seems to happen. Why could this be?


自动更新明确接通设备上的应用程序。 在其他应用程序似乎自动更新。 在该应用程序将停止并自行重启,每12小时;主要是为了重击的应用程序在任何奇怪的状态,它可能会进入和清晰的记忆,但我也希望这将会给它一个机会,以自动更新。有10秒的延迟,直到应用程序重新启动。 的设备大多是旧手机(HTC渴望C)运行Android 4.0.4


This is fairly hard and time-consuming to test so any experiences shared with similar requirements could be helpful.


请确保端口5228,TCP和UDP,是不会被每个的 https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/2651367?hl=en

Make sure the port 5228, TCP and UDP, is not blocked by a firewall per https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/2651367?hl=en


We've had a similar problem for years. Our apps run on school deployed devices. Whenever we push an update, it reaches may be 10% of devices within 24 hours, the rest seem to "hang". It takes about a week for another 30% of devices to get the update, while the remaining %60 never get it. There is no difference in settings across devices. All set to auto-update of course.


The way we "solved it" is our app is checking if the market has a newer version (there are libraries for doing it, but we have own server responding yes/no). If there is a newer version of the app, we invoke the intent to open Google Play with the app's page. The user has to manually click "Update" at that point.


If there was a native or cleaner way to push the updates we'd love to hear, even at this point in the game. Bothering users to update is not ideal.


