
由网友(訷仕笵êr█)分享简介:我想从一个网页链接到用户的联系人列表在Android 2.2中添加电子名片。当我将用户引导到.vcf文件,我得到的是,在手机浏览器的文本输出。我已经证实,这些文件被转移MIME类型文本/ V卡。这似乎是它应该是pretty的简单的事情。任何想法?I'm trying to add a vCard from a web...

我想从一个网页链接到用户的联系人列表在Android 2.2中添加电子名片。当我将用户引导到.vcf文件,我得到的是,在手机浏览器的文本输出。我已经证实,这些文件被转移MIME类型文本/ V卡。这似乎是它应该是pretty的简单的事情。任何想法?

I'm trying to add a vCard from a web link to the user's contact list on Android 2.2. When I direct the user to .vcf file, all I get is text output in the mobile browser. I have confirmed that the files is being transferred with MIME type text/v-card. This seems like it should be pretty simple to do. Any ideas?


AFAIK Android不支持的vCard文件的开箱即用,至少直到2.2。

AFAIK Android doesn't support vCard files out of the Box at least not until 2.2.

您可以使用该应用程序 vCardIO 从SD卡读取VCF文件并保存到你的联系人。 所以,你必须将它们保存在你的SD卡在首位,并将其导入之后。

You could use the app vCardIO to read vcf files from your SD card and save to you contacts. So you have to save them on your SD card in the first place and import them afterwards.


vCardIO is also available trough the market.


