
由网友(眉目生情)分享简介:我试图改变聚焦/ $ P $的蓝色背景pssed菜单项中的溢出菜单。I am trying to change the blue background of a focussed/pressed menuitem in the overflow menu.我说的是这样的:我想我已经覆盖从主题和 Theme.Holo...

我试图改变聚焦/ $ P $的蓝色背景pssed菜单项中的溢出菜单。

I am trying to change the blue background of a focussed/pressed menuitem in the overflow menu.


我想我已经覆盖从主题 Theme.Holo 每一个可能的属性在的themes.xml 并到各风格 Styles.xml ,但不能改变的蓝色背景。

I think I've overwritten every possible attribute from the Themeand Theme.Holo in Themes.xml and went to each style in Styles.xml but couldn't change the blue background.

修改 我想通了,样式我应该重写为安卓dropDownListViewStyle

EDIT i figured out that the style i should override is android:dropDownListViewStyle

但它没有在所有的工作。 但后来我从 Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar 主题,以 Theme.Holo.Light 键,你猜怎么着?它的工作!

but it didn't work at all. but then i changed the theme from Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar to Theme.Holo.Light and guess what? it worked!!

所以,任何人都可以揭示出这个一些轻?我该如何更改主题颜色与 DarkActionBar ??

so, can anyone shed some light on this?? how can i change the color on a theme with DarkActionBar??



ok, i found a solution for my problem: link to a post in the ActionBarSherlock google group

我一直监督此项:安卓actionBarWidgetTheme Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar 主题。

i've overseen this entry: android:actionBarWidgetTheme in the Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar theme.

现在我所要做的就是确定一个主题,覆盖 Theme.Holo 有一个风格在里面:<项目名称=机器人:dropDownListViewStyle> @风格/ myDropDownListView< /项目> 并指向这个主题,而不是

now all i had to do is define a theme that overrides Theme.Holo with one style in it: <item name="android:dropDownListViewStyle">@style/myDropDownListView</item> and point to this theme instead.

<!-- theme referenced by actionBarWidgetTehme style -->
<style name="Theme.DropDown.Dark" parent="android:style/Theme.Holo">
    <item name="android:dropDownListViewStyle">@style/myDropDownListView</item>

<!-- my main theme -->
<style name="DarkActionBarRedActionMode" parent="android:style/Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <item name="android:actionBarWidgetTheme">@style/Theme.DropDown.Dark</item>

