
由网友(风吹散你最后留下的气息。)分享简介:我有关于它的自动完成框的活动。每当文字的变化,我想调用Web服务并填充一个ArrayAdapter新的String []返回。这部分所有的伟大工程,除了列表中的用户界面时,有在的String []学校所有的新值没有被刷新。居住在我的onCreate原来的名单始终保持。 I have an Activity with...

我有关于它的自动完成框的活动。每当文字的变化,我想调用Web服务并填充一个ArrayAdapter新的String []返回。这部分所有的伟大工程,除了列表中的用户界面时,有在的String []学校所有的新值没有被刷新。居住在我的onCreate原来的名单始终保持。

I have an Activity with an AutoComplete box on it. Whenever the text changes, I want to call a web service and populate the ArrayAdapter with the new String[] returned. This part all works great, except the list in the UI isn't being refreshed when there are all new values in String[] schools. The original list populated in my onCreate always remains.


I read somewhere I needed to update it on the same thread the UI is running on, so I tried the Runnable listed in my code below. But that, as well as just updating my class variable schools does not work alongside notifyOnDataSetChange()


public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 

    schools = SchoolProxy.search("Co");
    autoCompleteAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this,android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line, schools);
    autoComplete = (AutoCompleteTextView)  findViewById(R.id.edit);

final TextWatcher textChecker = new TextWatcher() {
    public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {}

    public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {}

    public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) 
     schools = SchoolProxy.search(s.toString());

private Runnable updateAdapter = new Runnable() {
  public void run() {


作为一个不太重要侧面说明,如果在学校的每个项目都有一个名字 N市,州。是否有可能有一个城市和放大器;国家对汽车内的第二条生产线下拉框?只是,它们的目的。如果我能看起来更干净。

As a less important side note, if each item in schools has a name n city,state. Is it possible to have the city & state on a second line within the auto drop down box? Just for formatting purposes. Would look cleaner if I could.



您是否尝试过的 setNotifyOnChange(真)?它应该正确地做你手动做什么,只要您使用更改列表方法(添加(T),插入(T,INT),删除(T),明确的())。也许你有过在 ArrayAdapter 这些方法来修改数组?

Have you tried the setNotifyOnChange(true)? It is supposed to properly do what you are doing manually whenever you use methods that change the list (add(T), insert(T, int), remove(T), clear()). Perhaps you have to modify the array through these methods on the ArrayAdapter?

我不知道,如果 ArrayAdapter 实际上是抱着参照学校或刚复制的内容,同时构建 ArrayAdapter 。也许你可以看看在AOSP code,看看他们正在做的这个构造的东西。

I'm not sure if the ArrayAdapter is actually holding the reference to schools or just copied the contents while constructing the ArrayAdapter. Maybe you can take a look at the AOSP code to see what they're doing in that constructor.


