
由网友(来自软萌系の仙女)分享简介:我读到NDK编程Windows上的要求,这表示我们要求的Cygwin .Read有关Cygwin的这表示我们要求它怎么把它 A办法让Windows支持某些Linux的功能。但我的问题是在规划阶段(在什么地方)Cygwin的将被要求,为什么?关于这个话题Addidtional的信息是最受大家欢迎的。I read ab...

我读到NDK编程Windows上的要求,这表示我们要求的Cygwin .Read有关Cygwin的这表示我们要求它怎么把它 A办法让Windows支持某些Linux的功能。但我的问题是在规划阶段(在什么地方)Cygwin的将被要求,为什么?关于这个话题Addidtional的信息是最受大家欢迎的。

I read about the requirements of NDK programming on Windows which said we require Cygwin.Read about Cygwin which said we require it coz it is a way to make Windows support some linux functionality.But my question is in which stage of programming(Where Exactly) Cygwin will be required and why? Addidtional info about this topic is most welcomed


的Andr​​oid NDK开始修订7不需要Cygwin的。在这里看到:

Android NDK starting with revision 7 doesn't require Cygwin. See here:

您现在可以通过从项目路径调用命令行的NDK-build.cmd脚本建立在Windows中的NDK源文件,但不Cygwin的。该脚本采用完全相同的参数作为原始NDK-构建脚本。在Windows NDK包都有自己的prebuilt二进制文件的GNU制作,awk中和生成所需的其他工具。你不应该需要安装任何东西来获得一个工作的编译系统。

You can now build your NDK source files on Windows without Cygwin by calling the ndk-build.cmd script from the command line from your project path. The script takes exactly the same arguments as the original ndk-build script. The Windows NDK package comes with its own prebuilt binaries for GNU Make, Awk and other tools required by the build. You should not need to install anything else to get a working build system.


It mentions you can not use ndk-gdb script without Cygwin. While that is true, you can actually use gdb executable directly without Cygwin, only then you'll need to set it up properly manually.


