
由网友(陌清茗)分享简介:我怎么能走设备的快照这样的平板电脑在菜单栏按钮拍摄快照设备屏幕?该设备具有的Andr​​oid 4.1.1此相同的功能是想在我的应用程序来捕捉屏幕快照来实现。How can I take snapshot of device like this tablet has button in menu bar to tak...

我怎么能走设备的快照这样的平板电脑在菜单栏按钮拍摄快照设备屏幕? 该设备具有的Andr​​oid 4.1.1 此相同的功能是想在我的应用程序来捕捉屏幕快照来实现。

How can I take snapshot of device like this tablet has button in menu bar to take a snap shot of device screen? the device has android 4.1.1 this same functionality is wanted to implement in my application to capture the screen snapshot.


我不想使用 Layout.getDrawingCache(); 我只希望访问此方法作为操作系统uses.or这样系统解决方案 在我不需要根device.so请不要提供根本的解决方案 I don't want to use Layout.getDrawingCache(); I only want to access this method as the OS uses.or a solution like this I do not need to root device.so please do not provide root solutions


只是对这个看的 HTTPS://$c$c.google.com/p/android-screenshot-library/ 我希望它有用你...

just have a look on this https://code.google.com/p/android-screenshot-library/ i hope it usefull for you...


