

我想提出类似的申请,SipDroid在Android上。我看了看SipDemo从developer.android.com并在android.net.sip包。我的问题是,当你拨打/接听电话,你怎么能得到的音频数据流加密/解密之前被发送/回放给用户?是否有一个关于这个地方的教程?我知道我需要一个SIP帐号和实际设备与Android 2.3。我想获得AudioStream之前,它的发送(加密)和接收AudioStream它会回放给用户(解密)之前。

I would like to make an application similar to SipDroid on android. I took a look at SipDemo from developer.android.com and at the android.net.sip package. My question is, when you make/receive a call, how can you get the audio stream to encrypt/decrypt it before is being sent/played back to the user? Is there a tutorial about this somewhere? I am aware that I need a sip account and real devices with android 2.3. I would like to get the AudioStream before it's sent (for encryption) and to receive the AudioStream before it gets played-back to the user(for decryption).

大家好,请帮助我。 在此先感谢:)

Guys please help me . Thanks in advance :)


随着Android 2.3 API,它不possilbe得到的autio流EN /解密,因为的 android.net.rtp 包是不开放的正常的开发者。这只能从安卓3.1开始打开。

With the Android 2.3 API it is not possilbe to "get" to the autio stream to en/decrypt it, because the android.net.rtp package is not open to the "normal" developers. This only opened from android 3.1 onwards.

为了获得更低的Andr​​oid API版本上运行的加密看看在 CSipSimple 项目。它是开源的,并完全实现你问什么。然而,它是种复杂进入它,因为应用程序是不是很简单。但试试看。

In order to get an encryption running in lower android API versions have a look at the CSipSimple project. It is open source and fully implements what you're asking for. However, it is kind of complicated to get into it since the app isn't very simple. But give it a try.


