


We've been planning to do UI testing of our web application using Selenium. We're now having second thoughts. From what I can tell, the webdrivers for Android and iOS devices don't use the actual browser that a user would use. Instead they use a WebView, which may or may not be similar to the actual browser. I've seen various reports for Android in particular that seem to indicate that the WebView behaves differently than the built in browser and from Chrome, which is now the default on some devices.


Do you find that using Selenium to test on the actual hardware device is worthwhile? Is it more or less accurate than using emulators? What have you found is the most effective way to use automated testing to make you comfortable that your web application will work correctly on all of the hardware platforms that you support?


In our case, we need to support recent versions of major browsers on PCs, Macs, tablets, and phones. Selenium is working well for the PC testing, but I'm concerned about the tablet and phone testing. We're considering whether we should roll our own or use something like uitest.js that we can actually run on the actual device browsers.


虽然两者存在于硒webdriver的源$ C ​​$ C库今天iPhone的驱动程序和Android驱动程序使用WebView控件来浏览网页,这两个项目都在很大程度上是德precated。这种去precation是明确的,在iPhone的驱动程序的情况下,和默契在Android驱动程序的情况下。

While both the iPhone driver and Android driver that exist in the Selenium WebDriver source code repository today use a WebView control to browse the web, both projects have been largely deprecated. This deprecation is explicit in the case of the iPhone driver, and tacit in the case of the Android driver.

这些驱动程序已被取代其他项目,如 IOS驱动,的


