
由网友(眉宇惊鸿)分享简介:我尝试使用谷歌玩游戏服务在我的实践Android应用程序。I'm trying to use Google Play Game Services in my practice Android app.我在UI按钮的符号作为开发者手册的说明。当我在打标首次,它引导我通过登录过程。紧接着它要完成的过程中,它给了我与未知...


I'm trying to use Google Play Game Services in my practice Android app.


I got the sign in buttons UI as explained in the developer guide. When I hit the sign in for the first time, it guides me through sign in process. Right after it's about to finish the process, it gives me a dialog with "Unknown error". After the first time, it always gives me this dialog after displaying the loading animation for a bit.


I imported BaseGameUtils and google-play-services_lib. I attached reference from BaseGameUtils to the google-play-services_lib. Then attached reference of these 2 to my game project.

我出口的项目以获得SHA1摆在开发者控制台。然后,我有我的12位应用程序ID放置在值/ ids.xml(下得了应用程序的元标记)。

I exported the project to get the SHA1 to put in the developer console. Then I have my 12 digit app id to place on the values/ids.xml (got the meta tag under application).

试图清理项目,重做SHA1 /密钥存储过程,没有运气。我的电子邮件地址是在测试访问。

Tried cleaning the project, redoing the SHA1/keystore process and no luck. My email is under the testing access.


I read and tried the solutions provided on this question, but it was not my case.

Google玩游戏服务 - 无法在签署


Anybody experiencing the same or does anyone have a solution I should try?


试着将你的Google+设置您的设备上,并清除你已经批准的应用程序的访问。随后,手动设置为Google+的测试帐号,无论是通过PC / Mac的Web浏览器或设备,然后尝试重新连接的应用程序。这为我工作。

Try going to your Google+ settings on your device and purging the access that you had granted the app. Afterwards, MANUALLY set up Google+ for your test account, either through a PC/Mac web browser or through your device, then try re-linking the app. This worked for me.

三星Galaxy S3的具体步骤:

Exact steps for Samsung Galaxy S3:

设置 - >谷歌 - >的Google+ - >应用程序与Google+登录功能 - >点击应用程序,并在底部,点击断开连接应用程序

Settings -> Google -> Google+ -> Apps with Google+ Sign-In -> tap the app and at the bottom, tap Disconnect App.


For what it’s worth, I also tapped the option to "Delete all activity for this app" as well when I deleted it.


