
由网友(幸福的距離)分享简介:下面code定义我的位图:The following code defines my bitmap:Resources res = context.getResources();mBackground = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res,R.drawable.bg2);//scal...


The following code defines my bitmap:

Resources res = context.getResources();

    mBackground = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(res,

    //scale bitmap
    int h = 800; // height in pixels
    int w = 480; // width in pixels    
    Bitmap scaled = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(mBackground, w, h, true); // Make sure w and h are in the correct order


... And the following code is used to execute/draw it (the unscaled bitmap):

c.drawBitmap(mBackground, 0, 0, null);


My question is, how might I set it to draw the scaled bitmap returned in the form of "Bitmap scaled," and not the original?


定义一个新的类成员变量: 位图mScaledBackground; 然后,分配新创建的缩放位图吧: mScaledBackground =缩放; 然后,请致电您的抽奖方式: c.drawBitmap(mScaledBackground,0,0,NULL);

Define a new class member variable: Bitmap mScaledBackground; Then, assign your newly created scaled bitmap to it: mScaledBackground = scaled; Then, call in your draw method: c.drawBitmap(mScaledBackground, 0, 0, null);


Note that it is not a good idea to hard-code screen size in the way you did in your snippet above. Better would be to fetch your device screen size in the following way:

int width = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getWidth();
int height = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getHeight();


And it would be probably better not to declare a new bitmap for the only purpose of drawing your original background in a scaled way. Bitmaps consume a lot of precious resources, and usually a phone is limited to a few mb of bitmaps you can load before your app ungracefully fails. Instead you could do something like this:

Rect src = new Rect(0,0,bitmap.getWidth()-1, bitmap.getHeight()-1);
Rect dest = new Rect(0,0,width-1, height-1);
c.drawBitmap(mBackground, src, dest, null);

