
由网友(拾安)分享简介:在4.0.3,原因如下警示code。W / CursorWrapperInner(11252):光标敲定,恕不另行关闭()On 4.0.3, Code below cause warning "W/CursorWrapperInner(11252): Cursor finalized without prior cl...

在4.0.3,原因如下警示code。W / CursorWrapperInner(11252):光标敲定,恕不另行关闭()

On 4.0.3, Code below cause warning "W/CursorWrapperInner(11252): Cursor finalized without prior close()".

    Uri uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI, Uri.encode(number));
    getContentResolver().query(uri, null, null, null, null);


In sorce, I found the warning where it come from, anyone tell me how to avoid as i doubt it related to some weird problem?



I have also experienced this weird issue. I'm using a ContentProvider to provide me with a Cursor and a CursorLoader to handle the fetching in my Fragment/Activities. So I'm doing everything "to the book".

我经历使用4.1.1设备此警告消息,但它似乎已经消失在我的Nexus 7是4.2。个人而言,我不会采取这样的警告的任何严重的通知。

I experienced this warning message using a 4.1.1 device, but it seems to have gone away on my Nexus 7 which is 4.2. Personally I would not take any serious notice of this warning.

更新: 我在测试我的code采用Android V2.2和我从这个错误中一个完整的堆栈跟踪。原来,我的code的取另一个光标(不是一个蹩脚使用一个Loader),这是这一点,是有问题的code。关闭此手工做的伎俩。

Update: I was testing my code with Android v2.2 and I got a full stacktrace from this error. It turned out that my code was fetching another Cursor (not the one fetched using a Loader) and it was this that was the offending code. Closing this manually did the trick.


