
由网友(废墟里旳贞洁。)分享简介:我用Google搜索,现在读了几个小时,我无法找到任何人,我的特定情况下处理... I have Googled and read for hours now and I can't find anyone that deals with my specific scenario...我想用接口,我的WCF服务合同...


I have Googled and read for hours now and I can't find anyone that deals with my specific scenario...


I want to use interfaces in my WCF service contracts to loosely couple the service from the classes used on each end of the wire. This will enable us to have a low-level assembly that contains just the Service and Data Contracts (just interfaces) that we can hand to a consultant. On their end of the wire they can instantiate their data classes that implement our Data Contract interface, send it over the wire to us, and our WCF service will then translate/cast/whatever that incoming data into our version of a data class that implements the same interface.

下面是一个例子。 IDataContract 包含裸露的信息,我想通过传输线路。端点和其他WCF特定的配置都是默认的东西(我的问题可能在于这一点,所以我可以有更多的,如​​果这就是我需要改变的东西)。

Here's an example. IDataContract contains the bare information I want to transmit over the wire. The endpoints and other WCF-specific config are all default stuff (my problems may lie in that, so I can include more of it if that's where I need to change things).


EDIT: I've included more of the code and renamed a couple classes to help it be less confusing. The Name & Namespace additions to the DataContractAttributes, as well as the two sections in the config files are new additions based on information from this blog post. If I switch to an abstract base class instead of an interface, it works. However, I'd like to get this working with an interface if possible.


Shared library (my code, shared with client authors):

public interface IDataContract
    string MyProperty { get; set; }
public interface ITestService
    IDataContract TestSharedInterface(IDataContract clientData);


Client code (their's):

[DataContract(Name = "IDataContract", Namespace = "http://services.sliderhouserules.com")]
public class ClientDataClass : IDataContract
    public string MyProperty { get; set; }
private static void CallTestSharedInterface()
    EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/ServiceContractsTest.WcfService/TestService.svc");
    ChannelFactory<ITestService> factory = new ChannelFactory<ITestService>("ITestService", address);
    ITestService proxy = factory.CreateChannel();

    IDataContract clientData = new ClientDataClass() { MyProperty = "client data" };
    IDataContract serverData = proxy.TestSharedInterface(clientData);


Client config:

            <add type="ServiceContractsTest.Contracts.DataContracts.IDataContract, ServiceContractsTest.Contracts">
                <knownType type="ServiceContractsTest.WcfClient.ClientDataClass, ServiceContractsTest.WcfClient"/>


Server code (mine):

public class TestService : ITestService
    public IDataContract TestSharedInterface(IDataContract clientData)
        ServerDataClass convertedClientData = (ServerDataClass)clientData;
        IDataContract serverData = new ServerDataClass() { MyProperty = convertedClientData.MyProperty + " + server data added" };
        return serverData;
[DataContract(Name = "IDataContract", Namespace = "http://services.sliderhouserules.com")]
public class ServerDataClass : IDataContract
    public string MyProperty { get; set; }


Server config:

            <add type="ServiceContractsTest.Contracts.DataContracts.IDataContract, ServiceContractsTest.Contracts">
                <knownType type="ServiceContractsTest.WcfService.ServerDataClass, ServiceContractsTest.WcfService"/>


I am getting a serialization error on the client call complaining about known types. Am I just missing some metadata markup in that client class? I'm at a loss as to where to even know the problem even lies, as I've tried all the searches I can think of and no one seems to have dealt with this specific scenario.

基本上,我想 ClientDataClass 来序列化到&LT; IDataContract&GT;&LT; myProperty的&GT;客户数据和LT; / myProperty的&GT;&LT; / IDataContract&GT; ,然后可以反序列化到一个 ServerDataClass 实例。这似乎应该是可能的。

Basically, I want ClientDataClass to serialize to <IDataContract><MyProperty>client data</MyProperty></IDataContract> and then be able to deserialize that into a ServerDataClass instance. This seems like it should be possible.



If your data contracts are interfaces WCF can't know what object to instantiate for an incoming request. There is no need for the class to be the same as in the service, after all the Add Service Reference reads the WSDL and generates new classes based on the type info in the WSDL.


