Android的日历全天事件日期将推后一个日子GMT + X区全天、日历、日期、日子

由网友(笑尽往事)分享简介:我写了一个简单的code插入一个全天事件到日历,使用教程从官方网站。 wrote a simple code to insert an all day event i...


I wrote a simple code to insert an all day event into the calendar, using the tutorial from the official site.

    ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver();
    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
    values.put(Events.DTSTART, dueDate.getTime());
    values.put(Events.ALL_DAY, true);   
    values.put(Events.DTEND, dueDate.getTime());
    values.put(Events.TITLE, "Some Event");
    values.put(Events.CALENDAR_ID, mCalID);
    TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault();
    values.put(Events.EVENT_TIMEZONE, tz.getID());
   Uri uri = cr.insert(Events.CONTENT_URI, values);

我发现,当我打开运行4.03的我的宏碁设备上的谷歌日历应用程序,输入的日期已经后移1天。我的本地时区是悉尼是GMT + 10。

I found that when I opened the Google Calendar app on the my Acer device running 4.03, the date entered had been shifted back by 1 day. My local timezone is Sydney which is GMT+10.

于是我去设置本地时区更改为美国东部(北京时间),并运行相同的code和存在的日期,无移位。然后,我改变了时区为GMT + 2,伊斯坦布尔和存在的日期的转变。然后,我改变了伦敦格林威治时间0,也没有改变。

So I went to settings changed the local time zone to American Eastern (GMT -5) and ran the same code and there was no shift in the dates. Then I changed the timezone to GMT+2, Istanbul and there was a shift in the dates. Then I changed to London GMT 0, and there was no shift.


When I did non all day events the correct times were entered into the calendar regardless of the timezone.

最近的bug报告,我发现是这样的 http://$c$

The closest bug report I found was this


Am I missing something in the code, or have others also encountered this.

修改 在进一步的检查看使用内容解析事件数据时

Edit On further inspection when reading Event data using content resolver

  ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver();
Uri uri =  CalendarContract.Events.CONTENT_URI; 
String selection =CalendarContract.Events._ID + "=?";
String [] selectionArgs = new String[]{String.valueOf(eventID)}; 

在转换日的长期价值为正确的日期和时间,例如。 2013年2月14日12.00 AEST(悉尼时间)。因此,这个问题必须在谷歌日历中读取这些值的方式。当我手动从Android的日历应用程序添加一整天的活动,并利用内容解析器读取时间是日期和11:00 AEST中(悉尼时间),对应于+11 GMT关闭在悉尼成立。 因此,需要一整天的事件在格林尼治标准​​时间,以避免这种情况被输入,但文件中没有提到这一点。

The value of the long when convert to date was the correct date and time eg. 14th Feb 2013 12.00 AEST (Sydney Time). So the problem must be in the way Google Calendar is reading in these values. When I added an all day event manually from the Calendar application in Android, and the read the time using content resolver it was the date and 11.00 am in AEST (Sydney Time), which corresponds to the +11 GMT off set in Sydney. So all day events need to be entered in GMT to avoid this, but there is no mention of this in the documentation.


So now I am shifting the time, to avoid this problem.



在时区全天活动的独立(视为具有GMT)[1] [2] 在国际日期变更线

[1]。如果allDay被设置为1 eventTimezone必须TIMEZONE_UTC和时间必须对应于午夜边界。

[1]"If allDay is set to 1 eventTimezone must be TIMEZONE_UTC and the time must correspond to a midnight boundary."



