
由网友(隐身守候)分享简介:当我想遍历使用XPath我的XmlDocument,我来到你们这个问题,有文档在许多丑陋的命名空间,所以我就开始使用 NamespaceManager 随XPath的。When I want to traverse my XmlDocument using XPath, I came unto the problem...

当我想遍历使用XPath我的XmlDocument,我来到你们这个问题,有文档在许多丑陋的命名空间,所以我就开始使用 NamespaceManager 随XPath的。

When I want to traverse my XmlDocument using XPath, I came unto the problem that there were many ugly namespaces in the document, so I started using a NamespaceManager along with the XPath.


The XML looks like this

<Workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"
    <Worksheet ss:Name="KA0100401">
            <!-- more rows... -->
    <Worksheet ss:Name="KA0100402">
        <!-- .... --->

现在,从我从这份文件看,瓮:架构 - 微软COM:办公室:■preadsheet是默认的命名空间,因为它位于根元素。

Now, from what I see from this document, "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" is the default namespace, because it sits on the root element.

所以,天真地,我配置了我的 NamespaceManager 是这样的:

So, naively, I configured my NamespaceManager like this:

XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
XmlNamespaceManager manager = new XmlNamespaceManager(document.NameTable);
manager.AddNamespace(String.Empty, "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet");
manager.AddNamespace("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office");
manager.AddNamespace("x", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel");
manager.AddNamespace("ss", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet");
manager.AddNamespace("html", "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40");


But, when I try to access a node

foreach (XmlNode row in document.SelectNodes("/Workbook/Worksheet[1]/Table/Row", manager))

我从来没有得到任何结果。我下的是IM pression,通过设置第一个命名空间和一个空preFIX,我不需要,当搜索在工作区中的节点来设置。

I never get any results. I was under the impression that by setting the first namespace with an empty prefix, I wouldn't need to set that when searching for nodes in that workspace.

但是,因为它是表示对 AddNamespace 方法:

But, as it is stated on the AddNamespace method:


If an XPath expression does not include a prefix, it is assumed that the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is the empty namespace.


Why is that? And, more important: How do I access nodes in the default namespace, if not using a prefix sets them into an empty namespace?


What good is setting the default namespace on the manager if I can't even access it when searching for nodes?


@ JLRishe的答案是正确的访问节点的默认命名空间(即总是在的XmlNamespaceManager )。

@JLRishe's answer is correct for accessing nodes in the default namespace (ie. always mapping a prefix to the default namespace in the XmlNamespaceManager).

读链路的整个范围内从报价( MSDN XmlNamespaceManager.AddNamespace )中指出,在默认的空preFIX没有在XPath的前pressions使用。

Reading the entire context of the link from your quote (MSDN XmlNamespaceManager.AddNamespace) it is stated that the default "empty" prefix is not used in XPath expressions.

preFIX      类型:System

prefix Type: System.String


The prefix to associate with the namespace being added. Use String.Empty to add a default namespace.>

请注意如果XmlNamespaceManager的将用于在XML路径语言解析名称空间(的XPath)EX pression,一个preFIX必须指定。如果一个XPath前pression不包括preFIX,假定命名空间统一资源标识符(URI)是空的空间。有关XPath的EX pressions和XmlNamespaceManager的更多信息,请参阅XmlNode.SelectNodes和XPathEx pression.SetContext方法。

Note If the XmlNamespaceManager will be used for resolving namespaces in an XML Path Language (XPath) expression, a prefix must be specified. If an XPath expression does not include a prefix, it is assumed that the namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is the empty namespace. For more information about XPath expressions and the XmlNamespaceManager, refer to the XmlNode.SelectNodes and XPathExpression.SetContext methods.


