
由网友(香煙ㄨ吥離手)分享简介:这是我的Java code和我收到的问题在此:W / System.err的(1362):org.json.JSONException:值公共类主要扩展活动{//标签显示GCM消息TextView的lblMessage;控制器aController;@覆盖公共无效的onCreate(包savedInstanceStat...

这是我的Java code和我收到的问题在此:W / System.err的(1362):org.json.JSONException:值




        / ******************* Intialize数据库************* /

        aController =(控制器)getApplicationContext();


            // Internet连接没有present

        INT vDevice = DBAdapter.validateDevice();


            意图I =新的意图(getApplicationContext(),GridViewExample.class);
            字符串deviceIMEI =;


                deviceIMEI =0000000000000000;
             TelephonyManager tManager =(TelephonyManager)getBaseContext()
              deviceIMEI = tManager.getDeviceId();

            / *******验证设备从服务器****** /
            // Web服务器请求的URL
            字符串serverURL使用= Config.YOUR_SERVER_URL +validate_device.php;

            //使用AsyncTask的Execute方法prevent ANR问题
            LongOperation serverRequest =新LongOperation();




    公共类LongOperation扩展的AsyncTask<字符串,太虚,字符串> {


           //专用控制器aController = NULL;
            私人字符串错误= NULL;
            INT sizeData = 0;





            保护字符串doInBackground(字符串... PARAMS){

                / ************使邮政呼叫到Web服务器*********** /
                BufferedReader中读= NULL;

                           网址URL =新的URL(PARAMS [0]);

                        如果(!PARAMS [1] .equals())
                           数据+ =与& + URLEn coder.en code(数据1,UTF-8)+=+参数[1]的ToString();
                        如果(!PARAMS [2] .equals())
                               数据+ =与& + URLEn coder.en code(数据2,UTF-8)+=+参数[2]的ToString();
                        如果(!PARAMS [3] .equals())
                               数据+ =与& + URLEn coder.en code(数据3,UTF-8)+=+参数[3]的ToString();


                      URLConnection的康恩= url.openConnection();
                      OutputStreamWriter WR =新OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream());


                      StringBuilder的SB =新的StringBuilder();
                      串线= NULL;

                        而((行= reader.readLine())!= NULL)
                                   sb.append(行+ N);

                       含量= sb.toString();
                        错误= ex.getMessage();



                / ******************* **** /



                如果(错误!= NULL){

                } 其他 {


                 / ******************开始解析响应JSON数据************* /

                    的JSONObject jsonResponse;

                    尝试 {

                         / ******创建一个新的JSONObject从JSON字符串名称/值映射。 ******** /
                         jsonResponse =新的JSONObject的(内容);

                         / *****返回通过名称映射,如果它存在,并且是一个JSONArray值。 *** /
                         / *******否则返回null。 ******* /
                         JSONArray jsonMainNode = jsonResponse.optJSONArray(机器人);

                         / ***********流程各节点的JSON ************ /

                         INT lengthJsonArr = jsonMainNode.length();

                         的for(int i = 0; I< lengthJsonArr;我++)
                             / ******查看对象的每个JSON节点。*********** /
                             的JSONObject jsonChildNode = jsonMainNode.getJSONObject(ⅰ);

                             / *******获取节点值********** /
                             字符串状态= jsonChildNode.optString(身份)的toString()。

                             Log.i(GCM, - +状态);


                                。字符串REGID = jsonChildNode.optString(REGID)的toString();
                                字符串名称= jsonChildNode.optString(姓名)的toString()。
                                字符串email = jsonChildNode.optString(电子邮件)的toString()。
                                IMEI串= jsonChildNode.optString(IMEI)的toString()。


                                意图I1 =新的意图(getApplicationContext(),GridViewExample.class);

                                Log.i(GCM, - +姓名);

                                意图I1 =新的意图(getApplicationContext(),RegisterActivity.class);



                     / ******************结束解析响应JSON数据************* /

                     }赶上(JSONException E){







PHP code:我已经在this.suggest我用一个数组,为什么类型不匹配存在的

 < PHP


 $ IMEI = $ _REQUEST ['DATA1'];
 $ REGID = $ _REQUEST ['数据2'];

// $ resultUsers = getRegIDUser($ REGID);
$ resultUsers = getIMEIUser($ IMEI);

如果($ resultUsers!= FALSE)
    $ NumOfUsers = mysql_num_rows($ resultUsers);
    $ NumOfUsers = 0;

$ jsonData =阵列();

如果($ NumOfUsers大于0){

 而($ rowUsers = mysql_fetch_array($ resultUsers)){

    $ jsonTempData =阵列();

    $ jsonTempData ['REGID'] = $ rowUsers [gcm_regid];
    $ jsonTempData ['名称'] = $ rowUsers [名称];
    $ jsonTempData [电子邮件] = $ rowUsers [电子邮件];
    $ jsonTempData ['IMEI'] = $ rowUsers [IMEI];
    $ jsonTempData ['状态'] =升级;

    $ jsonData [] = $ jsonTempData;


    $ jsonTempData =阵列();

    $ jsonTempData ['REGID'] =;
    $ jsonTempData ['名称'] =;
    $ jsonTempData [电子邮件] =;
    $ jsonTempData ['IMEI'] =;
    $ jsonTempData ['状态'] =安装;

    $ jsonData [] = $ jsonTempData;


$ outputArr =阵列();
$ outputArr ['机器人'] = $ jsonData;

// EN code数组到JSON数据
的print_r(json_en code($ outputArr));


让问题.... !!


 十二月四号至16日:54:57.876:W / System.err的(1603):org.json.JSONException:值小于; BR java.lang.String类型不能转换到的JSONObject
12月4号至16日:54:57.916:W / System.err的(1603):在org.json.JSON.typeMismatch(JSON.java:111)
12月4号至16日:54:57.916:W / System.err的1603:在org.json.JSONObject< INIT>(JSONObject.java:158)
12月4号至16日:54:57.916:W / System.err的(1603):在org.json.JSONObject< INIT>(JSONObject.java:171)
12月4号至16日:54:57.916:W / System.err的(1603):在com.androidexample.mobilegcm.Main $ LongOperation.onPostExecute(Main.java:213)
12月4号至16日:54:57.926:W / System.err的1603:在com.androidexample.mobilegcm.Main $ LongOperation.onPostExecute(Main.java:1)
12月4号至16日:54:57.926:W / System.err的(1603):在android.os.AsyncTask.finish(AsyncTask.java:631)
12月4号至16日:54:57.946:W / System.err的(1603):在android.os.AsyncTask.access $ 600(AsyncTask.java:177)
12月4号至16日:54:57.976:W / System.err的1603:在android.os.AsyncTask $ InternalHandler.handleMessage(AsyncTask.java:644)
12月4号至16日:54:57.976:W / System.err的(1603):在android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
12月4号至16日:54:57.976:W / System.err的(1603):在android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
12月4号至16日:54:58.007:W / System.err的(1603):在android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5041)
12月4号至16日:54:58.007:W / System.err的1603:在java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(本机方法)
12月4号至16日:54:58.016:W / System.err的(1603):在java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
12月4号至16日:54:58.026:W / System.err的(1603):在com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit $ MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:793)
12月4号至16日:54:58.036:W / System.err的(1603):在com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:560)
12月4号至16日:54:58.036:W / System.err的(1603):在dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(本机方法)


  04-16 15:50:​​10.575:I /返回(1579):其中; BR />
04-16 15:50:​​10.575:I /返回(1579):其中,字体大小='1'><表类='Xdebug的错误XE-通知DIR ='升'的边界='1'CELLSPACING ='0'CELLPADDING ='1'>
04-16 15:50:​​10.575:I /返回(1579):其中,TR>百分位ALIGN =左BGCOLOR =#f57900合并单元格=5><跨度风格=背景颜色:#CC0000;颜色:#fce94f;字体大小:X-大;'>< / SPAN>(!)注意:未定义指数:数据2在C:瓦帕的www  gcm_server_files  validate_device.php上线474; I> 6< / I>< /第i;< / TR>
04-16 15:50:​​10.575:I /返回(1579):其中,TR>百分位ALIGN =左BGCOLOR =#e9b96e合并单元格=5>调用堆栈和LT; /第i;< / TR>
04-16 15:50:​​10.575:I /返回(1579):其中,TR>百分位ALIGN =中心BGCOLOR =#eeeeec'>#< /第i个百分位ALIGN =左 BGCOLOR =#eeeeec'>时间< /第i个百分位ALIGN =左BGCOLOR =#eeeeec'>内存< /第i个百分位ALIGN =左BGCOLOR =#eeeeec'>功能与LT; /第i个百分位ALIGN =左BGCOLOR =#eeeeec'>位置和LT; /第i;< / TR>
04-16 15:50:​​10.575:I /返回(1579):其中,TR>< TD BGCOLOR ='#eeeeec'ALIGN ='中心'> 1< / TD>< TD BGCOLOR ='#eeeeec ALIGN ='中心'> 0.0193< / TD>< TD BGCOLOR ='#eeeeec'ALIGN ='正确的'> 145240< / TD>< TD BGCOLOR ='#eeeeec'> {主}() < / TD>< TD标题=C:瓦帕的www  gcm_server_files  validate_device.php'BGCOLOR =#eeeeec'> ..  validate_device.php< B>:< / B> 0℃/ TD>< / TR>
04-16 15:50:​​10.575的:I /返回(1579):其中; /表>&所述; /字体>
04-16 15:50:​​10.575:I /返回(1579):{机器人:[{REGID:,名:,电子邮件:,IMEI: 状态:安装}]}

还是起...返回的HTML code..i这么多的一部分,只需要code部分来自{机器人},即最后一行只有..

  04-16 16:17:49.925:W / System.err的(4958):org.json.JSONException:预期:后的主要人品6 {}主力( )< / TD>< TD标题=C:瓦帕的www  gcm_server_files  validate_device.php'BGCOLOR =#eeeeec'> ..  validate_device.php< B>:< / B> 0℃ / TD>&所述; / TR>
04-16 16:17:49.925:W / System.err的(4958):其中; /表>&所述; /字体>
04-16 16:17:49.925:W / System.err的(4958):{机器人:[{REGID:,名:,电子邮件:,IMEI: ,状态:安装}]}



您正试图摆脱一些HTML code,实际上告诉你有一个错误。这里是什么样子:





  jsonResponse =新的JSONObject的(内容);


显然,内容是HTML code(它包含了一些< BR ,根据异常),而不是一个适当的JSON字符串。看看你在哪里得到这个字符串的,这可能是你的问题。


确定,根据您所发布的是什么,你的内容字符串包含JSON字符串(一个用括号括起来 {} ),但它也包含一个HTML部分,这需要除去。


  INT jsonStart = Content.indexOf({);
INT jsonEnd = Content.lastIndexOf(});

如果(jsonStart> = 0&安培;&安培; jsonEnd> = 0&安培;&安培; jsonEnd> jsonStart){
    含量= Content.substring(jsonStart,jsonEnd + 1);
} 其他 {


在previous code段似乎并不足够,因为您的HTML包含括号( {} )。如果服务器始终返回类型的HTML,你可能只想摆脱字体标记的运行previous段之前:

 内容= Content.replaceFirst(<字体> *<?/ FONT>中,);



This is my java code and i am getting problem in this: W/System.err(1362): org.json.JSONException: Value

public class Main extends Activity {

    // label to display gcm messages
    TextView lblMessage;
    Controller aController;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 

        /******************* Intialize Database *************/

        // Get Global Controller Class object 
        // (see application tag in AndroidManifest.xml)
        aController = (Controller) getApplicationContext();

        // Check if Internet present
        if (!aController.isConnectingToInternet()) {

            // Internet Connection is not present
                    "Internet Connection Error",
                    "Please connect to Internet connection", false);
            // stop executing code by return

        //Check device contains self information in sqlite database or not. 
        int vDevice = DBAdapter.validateDevice();   

        if(vDevice > 0)

            // Launch Main Activity
            Intent i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), GridViewExample.class);
            String deviceIMEI = "";

                //Make it true in CONFIG if you want to open second simutor
                // for testing actually we are using IMEI number to save a unique device

                deviceIMEI = "000000000000000";
              // GET IMEI NUMBER      
             TelephonyManager tManager = (TelephonyManager) getBaseContext()
              deviceIMEI = tManager.getDeviceId(); 

            /******* Validate device from server ******/
            // WebServer Request URL
            String serverURL = Config.YOUR_SERVER_URL+"validate_device.php";

            // Use AsyncTask execute Method To Prevent ANR Problem
            LongOperation serverRequest = new LongOperation(); 




    // Class with extends AsyncTask class
    public class LongOperation  extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> {

            // Required initialization

           //private final HttpClient Client = new DefaultHttpClient();
           // private Controller aController = null;
            private String Error = null;
            private ProgressDialog Dialog = new ProgressDialog(Main.this); 
            String data =""; 
            int sizeData = 0;  

            protected void onPreExecute() {
                // NOTE: You can call UI Element here.

                //Start Progress Dialog (Message)

                Dialog.setMessage("Validating Device..");


            // Call after onPreExecute method
            protected String doInBackground(String... params) {

                /************ Make Post Call To Web Server ***********/
                BufferedReader reader=null;
                String Content = "";
                     // Send data 

                        // Defined URL  where to send data
                           URL url = new URL(params[0]);

                        // Set Request parameter
                           data +="&" + URLEncoder.encode("data1", "UTF-8") + "="+params[1].toString();
                               data +="&" + URLEncoder.encode("data2", "UTF-8") + "="+params[2].toString(); 
                               data +="&" + URLEncoder.encode("data3", "UTF-8") + "="+params[3].toString();

                      // Send POST data request

                      URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); 
                      OutputStreamWriter wr = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream()); 
                      wr.write( data ); 

                      // Get the server response 

                      reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
                      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                      String line = null;

                        // Read Server Response
                        while((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
                                   // Append server response in string
                                   sb.append(line + "n");

                        // Append Server Response To Content String 
                       Content = sb.toString();
                    catch(Exception ex)
                        Error = ex.getMessage();


                        catch(Exception ex) {}

                return Content;

            protected void onPostExecute(String Content) {
                // NOTE: You can call UI Element here.

                // Close progress dialog

                if (Error != null) {

                } else {

                    // Show Response Json On Screen (activity)

                 /****************** Start Parse Response JSON Data *************/

                    JSONObject jsonResponse;

                    try {

                         /****** Creates a new JSONObject with name/value mappings from the JSON string. ********/
                         jsonResponse = new JSONObject(Content);

                         /***** Returns the value mapped by name if it exists and is a JSONArray. ***/
                         /*******  Returns null otherwise.  *******/
                         JSONArray jsonMainNode = jsonResponse.optJSONArray("Android");

                         /*********** Process each JSON Node ************/

                         int lengthJsonArr = jsonMainNode.length();  

                         for(int i=0; i < lengthJsonArr; i++) 
                             /****** Get Object for each JSON node.***********/
                             JSONObject jsonChildNode = jsonMainNode.getJSONObject(i);

                             /******* Fetch node values **********/
                             String Status = jsonChildNode.optString("status").toString();


                             // IF server response status is update

                                String RegID      = jsonChildNode.optString("regid").toString();
                                String Name       = jsonChildNode.optString("name").toString();
                                String Email      = jsonChildNode.optString("email").toString();
                                String IMEI       = jsonChildNode.optString("imei").toString();

                               // add device self data in sqlite database
                                DBAdapter.addDeviceData(Name, Email,RegID, IMEI);

                                // Launch GridViewExample Activity
                                Intent i1 = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), GridViewExample.class);

                             else if(Status.equals("install")){  

                                 // Launch RegisterActivity Activity
                                Intent i1 = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), RegisterActivity.class);



                     /****************** End Parse Response JSON Data *************/     

                     } catch (JSONException e) {




    protected void onDestroy() {



PHP code:i have used a array in this.suggest me why type mismatch occuring



 $imei     = $_REQUEST['data1'];
 $regID    = $_REQUEST['data2'];

//$resultUsers =  getRegIDUser($regID);
$resultUsers =  getIMEIUser($imei);

if ($resultUsers != false)
    $NumOfUsers = mysql_num_rows($resultUsers);
    $NumOfUsers = 0;

$jsonData      = array();

if ($NumOfUsers > 0) {

 while ($rowUsers = mysql_fetch_array($resultUsers)) {

    $jsonTempData = array(); 

    $jsonTempData['regid']        = $rowUsers["gcm_regid"];
    $jsonTempData['name']         = $rowUsers["name"];
    $jsonTempData['email']        = $rowUsers["email"];
    $jsonTempData['imei']         = $rowUsers["imei"];
    $jsonTempData['status']       = "update";

    $jsonData[] = $jsonTempData;


    $jsonTempData = array();

    $jsonTempData['regid']        = "";
    $jsonTempData['name']         = "";
    $jsonTempData['email']        = "";
    $jsonTempData['imei']         = "";
    $jsonTempData['status']       = "install";

    $jsonData[] = $jsonTempData;


$outputArr = array();
$outputArr['Android'] = $jsonData;    

// Encode Array To JSON Data
print_r( json_encode($outputArr));


getting problems....!!

Here are the details regarding exception..

04-16 12:54:57.876: W/System.err(1603): org.json.JSONException: Value <br of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject
04-16 12:54:57.916: W/System.err(1603):     at org.json.JSON.typeMismatch(JSON.java:111)
04-16 12:54:57.916: W/System.err(1603):     at org.json.JSONObject.<init>(JSONObject.java:158)
04-16 12:54:57.916: W/System.err(1603):     at org.json.JSONObject.<init>(JSONObject.java:171)
04-16 12:54:57.916: W/System.err(1603):     at com.androidexample.mobilegcm.Main$LongOperation.onPostExecute(Main.java:213)
04-16 12:54:57.926: W/System.err(1603):     at com.androidexample.mobilegcm.Main$LongOperation.onPostExecute(Main.java:1)
04-16 12:54:57.926: W/System.err(1603):     at android.os.AsyncTask.finish(AsyncTask.java:631)
04-16 12:54:57.946: W/System.err(1603):     at android.os.AsyncTask.access$600(AsyncTask.java:177)
04-16 12:54:57.976: W/System.err(1603):     at android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler.handleMessage(AsyncTask.java:644)
04-16 12:54:57.976: W/System.err(1603):     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
04-16 12:54:57.976: W/System.err(1603):     at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
04-16 12:54:58.007: W/System.err(1603):     at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5041)
04-16 12:54:58.007: W/System.err(1603):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
04-16 12:54:58.016: W/System.err(1603):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
04-16 12:54:58.026: W/System.err(1603):     at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:793)
04-16 12:54:58.036: W/System.err(1603):     at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:560)
04-16 12:54:58.036: W/System.err(1603):     at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

This is the all content is returning.....in log...

04-16 15:50:10.575: I/returning(1579): <br />
04-16 15:50:10.575: I/returning(1579): <font size='1'><table class='xdebug-error xe-notice' dir='ltr' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='1'>
04-16 15:50:10.575: I/returning(1579): <tr><th align='left' bgcolor='#f57900' colspan="5"><span style='background-color: #cc0000; color: #fce94f; font-size: x-large;'>( ! )</span> Notice: Undefined index: data2 in C:wampwwwgcm_server_filesvalidate_device.php on line <i>6</i></th></tr>
04-16 15:50:10.575: I/returning(1579): <tr><th align='left' bgcolor='#e9b96e' colspan='5'>Call Stack</th></tr>
04-16 15:50:10.575: I/returning(1579): <tr><th align='center' bgcolor='#eeeeec'>#</th><th align='left' bgcolor='#eeeeec'>Time</th><th align='left' bgcolor='#eeeeec'>Memory</th><th align='left' bgcolor='#eeeeec'>Function</th><th align='left' bgcolor='#eeeeec'>Location</th></tr>
04-16 15:50:10.575: I/returning(1579): <tr><td bgcolor='#eeeeec' align='center'>1</td><td bgcolor='#eeeeec' align='center'>0.0193</td><td bgcolor='#eeeeec' align='right'>145240</td><td bgcolor='#eeeeec'>{main}(  )</td><td title='C:wampwwwgcm_server_filesvalidate_device.php' bgcolor='#eeeeec'>..validate_device.php<b>:</b>0</td></tr>
04-16 15:50:10.575: I/returning(1579): </table></font>
04-16 15:50:10.575: I/returning(1579): {"Android":[{"regid":"","name":"","email":"","imei":"","status":"install"}]}

still returning this much part of html code..i need only code part from {"Android"} onwards...i.e the last line only..

04-16 16:17:49.925: W/System.err(4958): org.json.JSONException: Expected ':' after main at character 6 of {main}(  )</td><td title='C:wampwwwgcm_server_filesvalidate_device.php' bgcolor='#eeeeec'>..validate_device.php<b>:</b>0</td></tr>
04-16 16:17:49.925: W/System.err(4958): </table></font>
04-16 16:17:49.925: W/System.err(4958): {"Android":[{"regid":"","name":"","email":"","imei":"","status":"install"}]}


About your HTML

You're trying to get rid of some HTML code that actually tells you there is an error. Here is what it looks like:

Maybe if you solve that problem, your JSON issue will vanish on its own, because you won't have HTML stuff before your JSON.

Earlier part of the response

I guess you are getting your exception at this line (please tell me if I'm wrong):

jsonResponse = new JSONObject(Content);

If you want to know what's wrong with the parsing of Content, you might want to log that string and see how it looks.

Apparently, Content is HTML code (It contains some <br, according to the exception) instead of a proper JSON String. Take a look at where you get this string from, this is probably your problem.


OK, according to what you posted, your Content string contains the JSON string (the one surrounded by braces {}) but it also contains an HTML part, which needs to be removed.

Put this code before you try to create the JSONObject:

int jsonStart = Content.indexOf("{");
int jsonEnd = Content.lastIndexOf("}");

if (jsonStart >= 0 && jsonEnd >= 0 && jsonEnd > jsonStart) {
    Content = Content.substring(jsonStart, jsonEnd + 1);
} else {
    // deal with the absence of JSON content here


The previous code snippet does not seem sufficient because your HTML contains braces ({}). If the server always returns that kind of HTML, you might want to just get rid of the font tag before running the previous snippet:

Content = Content.replaceFirst("<font>.*?</font>", "");

WARNING: This is very sketchy, and answers only this very particular issue. It won't work with every possible server response.

You should have a look at other questions regarding the removal of HTML from a String in Java, for more complete answers.


