
由网友(伱是峩的不⒉家)分享简介:我最近开始工作的一个应用程序,它具有Java和本地组件。我想生成两个跟踪信息使用组件 Debug.startMethodTracing(MyApp的)和Debug.startNativeTracing()交替进行。但是,这两个意外行为。 I have recently started working on an...

我最近开始工作的一个应用程序,它具有Java和 本地组件。我想生成两个跟踪信息 使用组件 Debug.startMethodTracing(MyApp的) Debug.startNativeTracing()交替进行。但是,这两个意外行为。

I have recently started working on an app which has both Java and native components. I am trying to generate trace information for both components using Debug.startMethodTracing("myapp") and Debug.startNativeTracing() alternately. However, both are behaving unexpectedly.

当我使用 Debug.startMethodTracing(MyApp的),我可以看到一个文件 /sdcard/myapp.trace 被创建,但它始终是空的,不管多久,我跑我的应用程序。当我使用 Debug.startNativeTracing()并用 -trace&LT启动模拟器; tracename> 开关,我看到一个消息,说的跟踪开始的,但是当我尝试运行我的应用程序中, 仿真器崩溃。

When I use Debug.startMethodTracing("myapp"), I can see a file /sdcard/myapp.trace being created but it is always empty no matter how long I run my app. When I use Debug.startNativeTracing() and start the emulator with the -trace <tracename> switch, I see a message saying "Trace started", but when I try to run my app, the emulator crashes.


Am I missing something obvious here? How do I debug this problem?



When I've had that happen to me, it's because I've had mismatched start/stop pairs. For example, if you start method tracing but never stop, I think Android simply never writes the buffered trace information out to a file. Similarly if you have an extra stop in the middle, or never start, etc, you're not going to get the desired results.


Other than that method tracing has worked fine for me.

本机跟踪,在另一方面,似乎不支持(仍然),因为我得到的Qemu一丝不支持的文件呢。一个错误,当我尝试加载本地跟踪结果到traceview。 (在从谷歌有何评论?)

Native tracing, on the other hand, appears to not be supported (still), since I get an error "Qemu trace files not supported yet" when I try to load the native trace results into traceview. (Any comment on that from Google?)


