
由网友(生活是一场無奈的闹剧)分享简介:我已经写了针对Android的应用程序。的主要部分是它通过蓝牙通信。我有四个设备:1.三星Galaxy S2 2.三星Galaxy吉奥3. Netsurfer触摸(一个非常低端的本地[南非]生产的Andr​​oid平板电脑)4. Motorolla ET1 I have written an applica...

我已经写了针对Android的应用程序。的主要部分是它通过蓝牙通信。我有四个设备: 1.三星Galaxy S2 2.三星Galaxy吉奥 3. Netsurfer触摸(一个非常低端的本地[南非]生产的Andr​​oid平板电脑) 4. Motorolla ET1

I have written an application for Android. the main part being that it communicates via bluetooth. I have four devices: 1. Samsung Galaxy S2 2. Samsung Galaxy Gio 3. Netsurfer touch (A REALLY low end locally [South Africa] produced android tablet) 4. A Motorolla ET1

现在我已经写了我的应用程序 - 我需要测试的完整结构

Now I have written my app - I need to test the complete structure.

我第一次写的蓝牙侧(因为这是我曾在至少经验) - 和唯一的设备,我可以去工作,是Netsurfer联系。它采用标准的蓝牙驱动程序和它完美的作品 - 我能够接收信号在PC上处理它非常清楚

I first wrote the bluetooth side (since that was what I had the least experience in) - and the only device I can get to work is the Netsurfer touch. It uses standard bluetooth drivers and it works PERFECTLY - I can receive the signal on the PC and deal with it perfectly well.


The OTHER part of my app, cannot be done on the Netsurfer because it is too low spec (it actually doesn't have the required hardware). I have tried the Motorlla and the entire app works as expected.

但现在银河手机(包括吉奥和S2)拒绝与任何计算机连接。他们将PAIR很好,但是当我用蓝牙code连接我刚刚得到一个 IOException异常:服务发现失败

But now the Galaxy phones (both Gio and S2) refuse to connect with any computers. They will PAIR fine, but when I use the bluetooth code to connect I just get an IOException: Service discovery failed

因为这不是我的code,我开始寻找一个有一个驱动器在我的电脑上的缺失:蓝牙外设 - 错误code 未安装此设备驱动程序。 (code 28)

Since it is not my code, I started looking an there is a driver missing on my computer: "Bluetooth peripheral Device" - the error code The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)

我使用的是Windows的更新都试过了,并且失败了,我已经安装了三星的Kies,我已经验证了这个问题在两个独立的计算机上 - 无论是运行Windows 7 64位系统

I have tried using Windows update, and that fails, I have Samsung Kies installed, AND I have verified the problem on two separate computers - both running Windows 7 x64

硬件ID是: BTHENUM {00001132-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb} _VID和放大器; 0001000f_PID和放大器; 0000 BTHENUM {00001132-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb} _LOCALMFG和放大器; 000F

The hardware id's are: BTHENUM{00001132-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}_VID&0001000f_PID&0000 BTHENUM{00001132-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}_LOCALMFG&000f

我不相信有要与code的一个问题,但随着设备的驱动程序。但是如果你需要code,我用code在这里找到: http://$c$c.google.com/p/backport-android-bluetooth/source/browse/trunk/backport-android-bluetooth201/src/backport/android/bluetooth/chat/?r=49

I do not believe there to be a problem with the code, but with the drivers of the devices. But if you need code, I am using the code found here: http://code.google.com/p/backport-android-bluetooth/source/browse/trunk/backport-android-bluetooth201/src/backport/android/bluetooth/chat/?r=49


在我的应用程序,我有蓝牙,股票工作的Galaxy S上(包括1和2)的Nexus One,HTC Desire的,华硕平板电脑和其他一些设备。 我的应用程序是Android 2.1系统,并且我有这个反光标识在我的code(与SDK,它somtimes失败UKNOWN理由对我来说,与服务发现失败错误消息)固定错误:

In my app i have bluetooth, working on stock galaxy S (both 1 and 2), Nexus One, HTC Desire, asus tablet and some other device. My app is from android 2.1, and i have this reflaction in my code (with the SDK, it somtimes failed for uknown reason to me, with the "Service discovery failed" error message) that fixed the error:

BluetoothSocket mSocket = null;

Method method;
try {
            method = mBluetoothDevice.getClass().getMethod("createRfcommSocket", new Class[] {int.class});
            mSocket = (BluetoothSocket) method.invoke(mBluetoothDevice,1);
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e1) {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {



but other then that, i use the sdk, and everything works.


