
由网友(你的小可爱已到货)分享简介:我试图写一个小的应用程序中使用BouncyCastle的算法,从 BouncyCastleProvider.java 的,它说我们有进口和运行过程中通过以下code添加提供程序I am trying to write a small application using bouncycastle algorithm,...

我试图写一个小的应用程序中使用BouncyCastle的算法,从 BouncyCastleProvider.java 的,它说我们有进口和运行过程中通过以下code添加提供程序

I am trying to write a small application using bouncycastle algorithm, from the BouncyCastleProvider.java it says we have to import and add the provider during runtime by the following code

进口org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider; Security.addProvider(新BouncyCastleProvider());

错误 - 进口org.bouncycastle不能得到解决;在导入过程中 错误 - BouncyCastleProvider不能被解析为一个类型;调用addProvider当

error - The import org.bouncycastle cannot be resolved; during import error - BouncyCastleProvider cannot be resolved to a type; when calling addProvider

我虽然BouncyCastle的不提供的Andr​​oid 1.6 SDK,所以想单独安装的。我应该怎么办呢? 如果BouncyCastle的与SDK运以来,我应该怎么做才能避免这些错误? 我使用在WinXP的Andr​​oid 1.6,日食V3.4.0。 在此先感谢

I though bouncycastle is not provided with the Android 1.6 SDK, so thought of installing separately. how should i do this? If Bouncycastle is shipped along with SDK, what should i do to avoid these errors? I am using Android 1.6, eclipse-V3.4.0 on winXP . Thanks in advance



I'm not familiar with this particular library. However, here are general instructions on how to include a library delivered as a 'jar' file into an Android project.


Download the jar file and put it somewhere on your workstation. You may want to put in the root directory of the project your are installing it in, or maybe in a 'lib' directory in the root.

在Eclipse中,选择项目 - >属性,然后选择Java Build Path。然后单击添加外部JAR,浏览到你把.jar文件,选中它并点击打开。

In Eclipse, select Project->Properties, then select Java Build Path. Then click Add External Jars, navigate to where you put the .jar file, select it and click Open.


Now type or paste some code that attempts to use the classes in the jar. If you are lucky a light bulb icon will appear in the left margin. Clicking on this will prompt you to add the correct Import statement to the top of your .java file.


There are still things that can go wrong at this point. The library may make use of java.* or javax.* content not supplied by Android (it has just a subset of these libraries). Also it may have additional library dependencies of its own. There are other reasons why the .jar may not be compatible with the Android platform.


Note also that it will increase the size of your .apk to accommodate the new content.


