
由网友(10.眉眼朦胧)分享简介:我设计一个应用程序,可以记录回放在这两个平台上的iPhone和Android的短音频文件,以及希望任何其他智能手机。 I am designing an app that can record short audio files on iPhone and Android that can be played bac...


I am designing an app that can record short audio files on iPhone and Android that can be played back on both platforms, as well as hopefully any other smartphone.

现在,我使用* .caf的iLBC的codeC,因为我知道iPhone没有连接code MP3。

Right now I'm using *.caf with the iLBC codec, as I know the iPhone does not encode mp3.

有一个文件格式/ $ C $,我应该在这种情况下使用CC?

Is there a file format/codec that I should use in this case?



It used to be that there were no common audio encoding formats for Android and iPhone.



Android: Android supported media formats

但是Android 2.3.3增加了对AMR-WB和AAC支持:Android音频恩codeR AAC

But Android 2.3.3 adds support for AMR-WB and AAC: Android Audio Encoder AAC

请参阅媒体框架在的Andr​​oid 2.3.3 API变更

所以,我相信,如果你想互操作的Andr​​oid和iPhone设备之间可以处理的Andr​​oid 2.3.3限制AAC是您的格式选择。

So I believe AAC is your format choice if you want interop between Android and iPhone devices and can handle the Android 2.3.3 limitation.

否则,只需从列表中选择了覆盖面最广(在Android AMR-NB)或计划将录制的音频,以适当的格式。

Otherwise, just pick from the list for widest coverage (AMR-NB on Android) or plan on converting the recorded audio to a suitable format.

一个快速检查表明,AMR是专利,我以为AAC会有些专利保护为好。 PCM解码是在iPhone和Android手机大部分在较大的文件大小为代价的。

A quick check shows that AMR is patented and I assume AAC would have some patent coverage as well. PCM is decodable on iPhone and Android and most cellphones at the expense of larger filesize.


