
由网友(无处寄笺)分享简介:Android的数据绑定提供了一些可观察到的数据接口,包括ObservableList。但排序列表(在最新版本的RecyclerView库引入)不扩展列表的。Android data binding provides several Observable data interfaces including Obse...


Android data binding provides several Observable data interfaces including ObservableList. But SortedList (introduced in recent version of RecyclerView library) does not extend List at all.


How could I use SortedList for RecyclerView with Android data binding library?



Inspired by George Mount, I have implemented my version of ObservableSortedList with full functionalities from the original SortedList, including:

批量更新。只需拨打beginBatchedUpdates()和endBatchedUpdates()作为排序列表中。 德DUP和智能刷新。在构造函数中的回调负责订货,去DUP和内容的差异。


public class ObservableSortedList<T> extends AbstractList<T> implements ObservableList<T> {

  /** @see android.support.v7.util.SortedList.Callback */
  public interface Callback<T2> {
    /** @see android.support.v7.util.SortedList.Callback#compare(Object, Object) */
    int compare(T2 o1, T2 o2);
    /** @see android.support.v7.util.SortedList.Callback#areItemsTheSame(Object, Object) */
    boolean areItemsTheSame(T2 item1, T2 item2);
    /** @see android.support.v7.util.SortedList.Callback#areContentsTheSame(Object, Object) */
    boolean areContentsTheSame(T2 oldItem, T2 newItem);

  public ObservableSortedList(final Class<T> klass, final Callback<T> callback) {
    mList = new SortedList<>(klass, new CallbackWrapper<>(callback));

  /** @see SortedList#beginBatchedUpdates() */
  public void beginBatchedUpdates() { mList.beginBatchedUpdates(); }
  /** @see SortedList#endBatchedUpdates() */
  public void endBatchedUpdates() { mList.endBatchedUpdates(); }

  @Override public boolean add(final T item) {
    return sTlsUpdated.get();   // May be set by Callback.onInserted() or onChanged().

  @Override public T set(final int location, final T object) {
    final T old = mList.get(location);
    mList.updateItemAt(location, cast(object));
    return old;

  @Override public int indexOf(final Object object) {
    try {
      return mList.indexOf(cast(object));
    } catch (final ClassCastException ignored) {
      return -1;

  @Override public boolean remove(final Object object) {
    try {
      return mList.remove(cast(object));
    } catch (final ClassCastException ignored) {
      return false;

  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private T cast(final Object object) { return (T) object; }

  @Override public boolean contains(final Object object) { return indexOf(object) != SortedList.INVALID_POSITION; }
  @Override public T get(final int location) { return mList.get(location); }
  @Override public int size() { return mList.size(); }
  @Override public void clear() { mList.clear(); }
  @Override public T remove(final int location) { return mList.removeItemAt(location); }

  /* ObservableList */

  @Override public void addOnListChangedCallback(final OnListChangedCallback<? extends ObservableList<T>> callback) {
    if (mListeners == null) this.mListeners = new ListChangeRegistry();

  @Override public void removeOnListChangedCallback(final OnListChangedCallback<? extends ObservableList<T>> callback) {
    if (mListeners == null) return;

  private final SortedList<T> mList;
  private static final ThreadLocal<Boolean> sTlsUpdated = new ThreadLocal<>();
  private transient @Nullable ListChangeRegistry mListeners = new ListChangeRegistry();

  public class CallbackWrapper<T2> extends SortedList.Callback<T2> {

    @Override public final void onInserted(final int position, final int count) {
      if (mListeners != null) mListeners.notifyInserted(ObservableSortedList.this, position, count);

    @Override public final void onRemoved(final int position, final int count) {
      if (mListeners != null) mListeners.notifyRemoved(ObservableSortedList.this, position, count);

    @Override public final void onMoved(final int fromPosition, final int toPosition) {
      if (mListeners != null) mListeners.notifyMoved(ObservableSortedList.this, fromPosition, toPosition, 1);

    @Override public final void onChanged(final int position, final int count) {
      if (mListeners != null) mListeners.notifyChanged(ObservableSortedList.this, position, count);

    @Override public int compare(final T2 o1, final T2 o2) { return mCallback.compare(o1, o2); }
    @Override public boolean areContentsTheSame(final T2 oldItem, final T2 newItem) { return mCallback.areContentsTheSame(oldItem, newItem); }
    @Override public boolean areItemsTheSame(final T2 item1, final T2 item2) { return mCallback.areItemsTheSame(item1, item2); }
    public CallbackWrapper(final Callback<T2> callback) { mCallback = callback; }

    private final Callback<T2> mCallback;

