
由网友(乱了分寸的心动)分享简介:我对可视化在平板电脑上的一些数据的项目。我可能会采用Android开发的应用程序,但我不知道,我怎么能可视化的实时数据?I have a project for visualizing some data on tablet. I'll probably use android for developing the...


I have a project for visualizing some data on tablet. I'll probably use android for developing the application but I have no idea that how could I visualize the real time data ?

该工具可在Android这样做?我注意到,我可以使用的OpenGL ES但后来我什么都不知道了这一点,这是相当复杂的我。是否有可能获得实时数据和可视化呢?任何其他简单的工具

which tools are available on android for doing this ? I noticed that I can use OpenGL ES but then I know nothing of this and it's quite complicated for me . Is there any other simple tool that could get the real time data and visualize it ?

我们有一个基本的Matlab / Simulink仿真可视化,但需要一个更好的显示效果。

we have a basic Matlab/Simulink visualization but need a better visualization.



有不同的选择,但也可在Android的两个常用的可视化框架正在处理(的处理为Android )和 d3.js (这是一个JavaScript框架,你可以在的WebView使用如果你是3.0或以上,而Android的浏览器不支持低于3.0 SVG。

There are different options, but two commonly used visualization frameworks which are also available in Android are Processing (Processing for Android) and d3.js (which is a Javascript framework you could use in a WebView if you are 3.0 or above. The Android browser does not support SVG below 3.0.


