更改付费Android应用程序来释放与在应用程序内结算 - 溯往现有客户应用程序、客户、Android

由网友(じ沉ωěη橕場‰)分享简介:我在谷歌的付费应用程序中播放的今天,我想换一个免费的应用程序有3个应用内购买。问题是原因如何给予的应用程序内购买现有客户,taht已经支付的应用程序。I have a paid app in Google Play today, that I want to change to a free app with 3 I...


I have a paid app in Google Play today, that I want to change to a free app with 3 In-App purchases. The problem is of cause how to "give" the In-App purchase to existing customers, taht already paid for the app.

我刚刚有了一个想法 - 能牌做的伎俩

I just had a thought - can licensing do the trick?

现有的付费应用程序使用谷歌的许可,但是这不应该是必要的任何更多的时候所有的功能都买的应用程序内购买 - 对不对? 因此,所有现有客户有许可证,而所有新客户不需要的。

The existing paid app uses Google licensing, but that shouldn't be necessary any more when all features are bought as In-App purchases - right? So all existing customers have a license, while all new customers don't need one.


Would it be possible to check for license, and in case it's found grant the user access to the same features as the 3 In-App purchases will give access to?



As far as I know, there is no good way to give a user an in-app purchase for free when the purchase isn't already free (eg via a coupon).



One way to do this would be to have some code that checks for "legacy users" (those who have the old paid app installed), and set a preference on their device that flags them as having the paid app.


You will run into problems if the user switches phones or uninstalls then reinstalls your app. You could circumvent this by adding a second set of in-app products for legacy users that are free, but are only offered to uses who have the old app installed. After they buy the free legacy versions, they could uninstall the old app. Then whenever you check for the purchased products, you check for either the legacy or the new product.


